Beating the Crap Out of Every Elemental

not sure if i could defeat one though, maybe just survive and escape

it’s unlikely they’ll try to kill you, but rather charge at you at lightning speed and throw you out of the area. if you happen to impale yourself on something down the way it’s not their problem

heres a question: you watch one piece?



i was gonna ask if a rumble user might have a chance at beating or surviving a lightning horse

(rumble users are logia, meaning they are impossible to hit with physical attacks unless infused with haki)

wait so lighting horses may be deadly, but at least they’re not hyper aggresive.

what about iron drakes? (which, are hyper aggresive)

just . . . look at the list of the deadliest Elementals. the more prominent ones have descriptive entries iirc so judge based on that

but wdym exactly? what about Iron Drakes?

iron drake sees lightning user standing T-posing for no reason in the distance.

attack the poor child: Y/N?

why does it matter if they’re Lightning users?

it doesn’t; they’ll run any person off their territory with zero hesitance or relent

it really doesn’t lol (its supposed to be me :frcryin:)

what if im not in the territory but like, super close, one step and im in

they’re not bound by hard borders but if they see you you’re gonna get chased until they’re satisfied or you’re dead

rare footage of Robert ketch running from a drake he pissed of:

“i am going to fucking die”

how fast is a drake? (could i outrun it if i really tried and used magic high jumps, juked it a couple times, and tried to reach a highground)

you definitely can’t outrun a Drake; they’re gigantic (their strides dwarf you much the same as how you cannot outrun a bear, horse, or even a crocodile). they can control the terrain so if they’re actually bent on killing you then you’ll be trapped in an enclosed arena of Iron. juking them is a very bad idea because their eyesight is to the league of a tyrannosaurus rex’s (better than an eagle’s) and reflexes that will get you crushed for trying to run any direction than away. they also won’t pursue you if you spam high jumps because they know you’ll have to come down eventually and, because they’re way faster than you, they will wait and kill you when you land

what if i used a lightning hover spell and just zoomed away

then they don’t really care. you forget that they’re territorial, not bloodthirsty. getting you out is all that matters but if they catch up to you you’re dead

yes you can, run in a zigzag direction, they can’t turn fast enough.

What if I fling myself

are there any bloodthirsty elementals that go to towns on purpose and terrorize them?

or so bloodthirsty the magic council has made a special division to deal with them?

running zigzag makes you slower (becuae you waste time to pivot and move indirectly toward a point) so that’s absolutely not true. they can run up to 35mph (faster than Bolt at 26mph). you base this on the idea that they’d turn their bodies to chase you linearly and in exact when in reality no animal is dumb enough not to chase you straight-on

then you outrun them and live. again, their concern isn’t necessarily with kilking you but they will if you don’t outpace them



no creature actively seeks attention or conflict with humans because it’s a total waste of energy and time unless they specifically feel threatened or are naturally aggressive toward all things. these are animals, in essence

What if I fling them out of their territory with the bug with glass shards