Beating the Crap Out of Every Elemental

Pet da big crab


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absorbs horse

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me with max swiftness on:


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When you try to ride a horse but you accidentally absorb it’s essence:


relatable moment right here

Happens to me every day

man its awful huh

Yeah, so annoying, I hate absorbing my horses

dang like, i absorb at least 3 a day, my doctor says its not good for my magic health.

Same, gotta stop absorbing my steeds man. It shocks me in several ways every time it happens


your a shadow user…

how are you absorbing a lightning magic horse???

:shadow_magic: :lightning_magic_var2:???

With my Minecraft Lightning Rod :omegaultrasuperduperswag:

awesome :damniwishihadthatface:

again, the answer is no. you’re not going to get close

i don’t think it does, but that’s irrelevant because they’re still not letting you near


doesn’t compare

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I crave horse

me with laggy wifi and being able to teleport miles within seconds

wait, so i read the beastiary, how aggresive are we talking?

like, if one saw me just eating some sushi having a one man picnic in the grasslands, would it attack me at full force aggresive?

they’re aversive to humans but become aggressive if they see you threaten or harm the nature around you. picnic away as long as you’re not hurting trees or shit

yay now I can eat in peace without having to worry of being literally snapped out of reality (which, to be honest, I’m not actually sure how strong they are, since I’m also a strong lightning user and I could probably defend myself)

if you look at the art for them you’ll see that they channel lightning from the skies and are far too fast for you to hit without wearing yourself out. trust me, you won’t last a moment