Beating the Crap Out of Every Elemental

Or you can just be a chad

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Fights elemental.

Uses spell Skill Issue.


pog, this would work

remember that Magic Energy is the only thing to harm it. Use a magic rock ;3

they also live in encolsed spaces (deep inside forests and caves with numerous sharp crystals they manipulate while also being able to create massive new structures of the same material)

remember that Elementals control their environment to a degree, so in the case that they were to be caught in a net they’re likely to drown you with an unrelenting vengence, able to summon massive waves and stir up the surrounding seas, creating riptides and whirlpools that trap sailors and wizards alike with a shocking lack of remorse or mercy

keep a distance with this one. can be crushed with solid projectiles, however they’ve been known to use explosions to lauch themselves from danger a lot and can easily be lost track of, along with a frustrating tendency and ability to shatter solid structures and projectiles posing a threat. their explosions are also larger than most anticipate so be weary of that, but overall i think Magic Explosions and distanced attacks will do the job just fine. as with all Elementals, finding them and tracking them is a huge obstacle in its own right

they don’t live near to one another so using one source to gather them isn’t effective in the slightest. essentially the same scenario with the Glass Cellar Spider tbh but with added spice and a tendency to inadvertently cause damage just by landing on flammable objects a lot

also works

they never leave the colony without at least one other of their kind present (typically 2 others). as they are exceptionally social, one will stay to defend and the other will swiftly work through the tunnels to bring about a massive colony. under stress their acid becomes much more potent (flouroantimonic levels), easily melting through any traps and weaponry. just because they exhibit docile behavior means nothing as to whether or not they can become aggressive–which they do. extremely so. bashing it will lead to it lashing out and coiling around you. as their bodies can be very long, this doesn’t limit them to one victim at a time. how you’ve so severely underestimated these creatures lol

these sands can also easily bury and suffocate people as well (and blind them without proper eye protection). most of the troubles here come of the environment’s extremely taxing effects and the fact that this beast is likely to outlast any wizard’s stamina. i also think it’s a bit unrealistic to say any wizard would stick around the storm to regenerate stamina as they’d be constantly pelted with the sand and unable to do things such as drink water, eat, or sit down for vulnerability to being buried.

the neck is the most “vulnerable” part of the body, however its hide alone is made of solid stone so you’re certainly not going to get through to it. Arcanium weaponry and magic would only be effective in the internals, such as the mouth), but even then you’d need to keep its gaping maw open at a constant basis to prevent being crushed and suffocated when closed. due to its size, any cuts within the mouth would be pretty ineffective in dealing damage that would ever kill it. straight-up you’d only be able to kill this with an attack that could split continents

given that these creatures ride air currents passively, they’ll never be found touching the land (would leave gigantic impressions on the land due to their size, knocking down trees and creating trenches). but yeah, even if it was in your scenario they’d blow you off the mountain with a single wingbeat and escape easily (if not just kill you)

only environment i can imagine a Magma Dragon surrounded by snow is in the case of the volcano being the size of, like, Fuji. in which case the Dragon is going to be much, much larger than Summer Hold and be even more difficult to kill. you’ve played yourself. as for Pressure/Grav, yeah you’d only be able to move this thing back to its volcano (which in most cases all it wants to do is sleep or fly for a little bit and then go back to sleeping) if you can’t outright kill it

ya, they just act like regular elk/moose (which if you don’t know, are still very very deadly in their own right if you don’t know how to deal)

you did a good job but most of the cracks are just me having not elaborated on the point bc nobody brought it up ALSO I’M WORKINF ON AN ASSESSMENT LOL

Wait, if the atlas moth were in theory attracted to light…wouldn’t it be attracted to itself and forever go in a circle?

how to beat hydra, wyvern, and paper wasp:


if im a water user and im being stalked by a hippocampus what should i do?

a: run to inner land (no rivers) be a wimp

b: try to kill it

c: idk ask it to go away nicely

what if we assembled an army of water ice wind lightning and snow mages all at level 5000000 and have good gear

we’re talking like, 1000 of each magic

so in total 5000 mages

you underestimate the power of racist bob auburn
he will control them

im gonna fricking
get a pet crab
i bet you

Also how do i make friends with them :frhigh:

they’re pretty chill and benevolent. you’re much better off with them around since they only live on the sea and in coastal swamps

the numbers alone are already outrageous so at that point there’s no reason to ask. again i say: use common sense to judge these set-ups since i already posted a description of the power and skill necrssary to defeat these Elementals

haha, racists burn in hell and so too in the presence of Elementals

yes boi, pet that crab. for something like the Crab it’s not likely to acknowledge your presence (you’re tiny after all), but it also won’t really try to kill you unless provoked so you can stick around on its back

as for other Elementals that aren’t stationary or gigantic moving land masses in their own right, you’re not going to see them consistently enough to make friends and more than likely won’t be thst close when you spot them at all

“specific aid” ?

impact fist

Promethean phoenix (from memory of a trello): Don’t even try or… just call Arthur to deal it.


what are these names lmao

man just get the nuke

or use impact fist :troll:

not magic 737563010884960307

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who said it had to be magic?
(if someone did say it please dont hate me)

me throughout the post bc ppl keep forgetting lol

myes i see. only magic it is then ig?