Beating the Crap Out of Every Elemental


im talking about how to defeat them

yeah ik. Impact doesn’t do anything to them

Right where it belongs cause fuck ice

Fuck lightning too btw

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“Fck lightning”
-a certain ash user-

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you mean :sparkles: @liu :sparkles:

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Wish i still keep that picture of forumer say fck lightning

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ok how about something less difficult

acid salamander (and assuming our mage is an acid user with awakened so he can’t melt)

i have question scroll to bottom ^

wild👏is👏wild . yes they can be docile and friendly but they will never be straight-up tame

if you quote me then i will be notified. you can also edit the post to ping me as well but do not make a new post like this just to get my attention, it’s a waste

how hard would it be to kill paper wasp if u encountered a swarm of them?

lets say you are level 300 fire user

one wasp is no issue and thus the swarm feels pretty irrelevant to mention at that point. the minimum level to kill a wasp is literally, like, 1

that one stupid level one lightning user from riverville after he kills a single wasp:

bro thats like, so hard…

we need the entire magic council army now!!!

no! the navy!

shit we need more people!

ordinary people!





people who pronounce r as w!

karens and managers!

the spider is just too powerful

Idk, that spider seems pretty transparent in its weakness.


Hilarious, laughed.


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Ok now as a totally permanent lightning user, how do I get to pet lightning horsie?

uh . . . permanent? anyway, you’re not gonna be able to since they’re lightning-fast and aren’t particularly fond of people

not keep as a pet, just, stroke it because it cool

and idk maybe get a picture of it

Be careful, it’s made of lightning

If you stroke it you’ll have a stroke :swag:

what if i had awakened lightning?

:lightning_magic_var2: :eye:

(absorbs other lightning based things)