Berserker - Everything YOU need to know


imma get you good you better watch out buddy chum pally pal chum friend buddy chum friend

I’m gonna have a warlord slot using greatsword (the most alpha weapon)
(contains irony)

Hm yes, 480 extra health at the cost of missing out on damage and a couple abilities

no, you’re right

Spirit weapons, that is my counterargument.

Yea and?
You deal less damage with both your fighting style and your spirit weapons, you have 480 extra hp, you miss out on abilities from both spirit weapons and fighting styles and you get less opportunities for each(weaker spirit weapons and less powerful lost/ancient fighting styles)
And wait you said spirit weapons??? hmmmm…it’s almost as if there’s a build that does that already, oh wait that’s right…warlord
The only way I would respect a vitality hybrid is if they got hybrid scaling on their attacks + spirit effects on them. Otherwise I will continue to shit on them

Idk Juggernaut is kinda enticing


in deafbasher’s defense: spirit fighting styles, probably

Jojo Stands

non-weapon vitality hybrids should NOT get spirit weapons. or maybe they get like 1 or 2 but who knows

but jojo stand spirit style would be nice

I agree, only knights should have spirit weapons, while the other vitality builds might have like spirit items.

spirit magic :scream: spirit fist :scream: