Best magic for weapon only build?

Use poison since weapons cause bleed and poison does really well on bleeding targets

Why do you even need a magic if your going weapon only?

utility dawg

Status effect charging. Technically not using a spell.

In that case, magma.

Yes, that’s what I said…

“If you’re going to do a weapon only run then you shouldn’t have problems choosing a magic since you won’t be using magic.”

-a person who doesn’t use magic

Sunken sword is the only weapon thats good in pvp

WoJ and Spear

daaamn ok asta

it’s not like i’m doing a run or challenge etc i just wanted to make a weapon slot

tips? and what build do you rec

Pick one, you only using only weapons or not?

just weps

world of magic has turned into a game where you can only choose between magic or weapons, you cannot really mix them together since there are different stats that boosts magic or weapon damage individually so you must choose
magic or weapons

It depends, rn the only weaponry we have access to are the non-magic ones, which purely use the strength stat. Once we get access to magic weaponry, you might not need to invest into the strength stat as much since the weapons will also have their damage output determined by your magic power stat.

I generally combine bladed weapons, (In my case: A sword, dual dagger and a spear for throwing) with swift poison magic, as it allows you to get close to the opponent while they can’t see you, when approaching through a cloud.
Next to this, poison causes more damage when the target is already bleeding. The downside however would be, that poison has a low impact damage, which gives you a drawback against ranged targets.

mhm good point good point, i use poison on my main so i could just transfer the mino armor and strength am over

yeah and honestly i’m still not sure which three weapons to go with since i’ve heard a lot of mixed opinions about that too

sigh another idiot asking for meta
there’s no meta ok?

He said “best magic for a weapon only build” he probably means for most effects cleared when charging which isn’t technically a spell in which case he should go with magma.

Yes, that’s why I answered him below there.