Best magic for weapon only build?

it’ll be useless when stats come

This post is so full od dumb people holy shit


if you want asta I have a friend who has 3k pk’s with 0 spells used…

also the magic does matter if you’re going to use the charge for the magic you can charge and remove effects like burning, soaked, bleeding, ect with different magic charges while still using no spells.

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Ik im a day late with responding but there are no mixed opinions on which weapons to choose. THE ONLY and i really mean THE ONLY good weapons to to use are the 3 rare weapons ( sunken sword, axe, oath) anything that isnt those 3 sucks ( dual daggers, great spin swords) or is only barely worth using ( spear or bow)

Anyone who says otherwise is either not a weapon main or a very inexperienced weapon main

Orion: "rip ranged weapons, they will be missed. "

Orion switching to lightning: “anyways”

I was about to mention spear, but then I saw you already said it. What about WoJ though, or do you not consider shields as weapons?

i dont consider them weapons ye since they dont deal dmg
but i can def understand why you would use a shield, tho as a weapon main it takes more stamina management since its draining the stamina you need for your weapon abilities

You say that like you aren’t part of that majority…
Mr. “Guy who can’t spell ‘of’ correctly”

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English isn’t his first language but he could just sense the stupidity.

next update is going to be a major buff to weapons cuz running no longer consumes stamina and damage is slightly increased (which is very good)

i wouldnt call 25% slightly but ye the buff to weapon dmg and the stamina changes are great for weapon mains
Also i believe the strong enchant is getting fixed so thats good for us weapons mains aswell

Lmao, even if I’m “stupid” this post is stupid enough someone dumb like me can just sense it. Forum regulars smh smh :pensive:

look, dickhead, get off your high horse and go take your aspirin I don’t got time for this shi-
Oh wait
yes i do

Alright, listen, I tried to act like an Anime Character by doing the cool laid back response
looks like that didn’t work
but calling everyone else in the post a brainlet is kinda elitist of you
we’re on the internet
we all act like we were dropped on our heads when we were 3 months old

i want cheese

Yes. Understable, have a great day fellow dickhead.

25%? i thought it was 15%, 60% damage nerf to 45% damage nerf
and by strong enchantment you mean the weapon enchantment or armor enchantment?

vetex changed it on the trello to 25% instead of 15%, but ye i do understand why you would overlook that cuz its a small number change on a page with hundreds if not thousands of words

And with the strong enchant i mean the weapon enchant cuz for some reason if youre running strength the strong enchant doesnt increase your dmg by 1.2x ( rn it only increases the base dmg by 1.2x which is a glitch/bug)

oh ok thanks for correcting me
but 60% damage nerf to 35% damage nerf? isn’t that kinda op?

it could definitely be
i calculated that i will be dealing 165 dmg after tgr with my strong sunken sword and 68 strength so this buff might be really good

tho non weapon mains wont be experiencing that much of a difference
i calculated that a strong sunken sword with no strength investment deals 63 dmg instead of the 50 it deals rn which is still a pretty good buff but not nearly as noticeable