Best magic for weapon only build?

Holy shit that’s stronger than a blast and easier to hit, it still deserves it though because of its insane cooldown.

ye tho im running a pretty decent amount of strength (68)
havent calculated the dmg from a strong axe and a strong oath yet tho might do that later

Sunken might do more than 170 with my build (full strength: 97)

is it swift or strong? if its strong then for sure it will
if its swift then maybe ye but how much hp do you have?

fucking hell full strength? you must be good at dodging godamn what weapons do you use

Gold. Want to use a magic with high damage and DoT. Gold. It will do 120+ damage no matter what stats you have on.

You’ll get left with 806 health with full strength but 50+ agility as compensation.

I’m the best in the game along with Orion, fighting with full strength is not hard for me. + I use bow and Oathkeeper as a finisher.

bow oath and a shield? and do you not use magic at all

No, just bow and a oath. I use magic only for clears or DoT.

Hmm if youre saying that youre the best with weapons in the game with orion that id love to see that in a 1v1

I’m the best player with weapons, Orion is the best with magic and sure

What server do you normally play on? EU?


perfect since thats the servers i usually play on or want to play on too
so whos gonna search for an eu server? me or you? and when can you 1v1? i probabaly can in like 30 minutes- 1 hour

You can search for it

alr ill message you when ive found 1 in 30 minutes- 1 hour


Pog. I want to see this fight.

Yer found one yet?