Yeah, I know they’re ridiculously rare. That doesn’t change the fact that I need 40. So… how should I go about finding them? Do a chest loop and hope to get them from Ingredient Bags? Solve Treasure Charts for a better shot at high-tier Ingredient Bags? Sit underneath an Apple tree in Palo Town for nine million years? I need ideas.
reminder that technically you need 25 apples on average per jewel to get the best blocking power unless theres something i missed
oh and i have no idea. do they even spawn now?
Oh, Per Jewel? That’s kind of crazy. I must’ve misread the wiki.
Jeez, I’m gonna need a lot of apples.
i mean theres always 5 possible values for the side effect, and it costs 5 per jewel, so…
Wow. I haven’t done any Jewelcrafting yet, so that’s news to me. I’m probably better off trying for Metal Scraps, but knowing that I’m only getting +1.2% when I COULD be getting +5% will bug me forever.
no reason to use metal scraps unless you cant even get enough apples to make enough jewels, cuz the lowest possible value for apples is still gonna be higher than the best metal scrap
Getting the Apples is the problem, though. I’ve never seen a person with more than like, four. The value spreadsheet says they sell for like 1,500 Galleons each. It’s not really feasible to get that many.
i loot chests a ton and only have 1, not recommend
You can craft 8 golden ingots with an apple to make a golden apple. Probably easier than finding them in a dungeon or stronghold, tbh.
1k5 galleon is dirt cheap for something that rare, i doubt you find anyone willing to sell u at that price, unless they have a ton or just feeling really nice ( or just doesnt know their value ig )
guess I’m just gonna wait for them to become more common (this never happens because vetex is scared of block power builds)
oh before i forget, i was wrong with the 25 apples per jewel, cuz apparently its easier to roll high the higher your jewelcrafting level is
i did notice i got unnaturally lucky over time but always assumed the chance stayed the same
Do golden apples even spawn? I’ve never seen one just laying on the ground within like 150 hours of playtime.
Also I’ve only ever gotten like 2 from treasure bags. I’ve literally gotten more prometheus’ acrimonies than golden apples
Patch notes say that the next patch is gonna have Luck 4 potions guarantee max secondary stats when Jewelcrafting. Very excited for that.
I also found a Golden Apple from an Ingredient Bag earlier today. That makes three!
i think theyre supposed to spawn like how pink apple does, but a glitch made it so that they just never spawn naturally
maybe its been fixed, maybe not
Fair point to be scared. I calculated that the maximum blocking power you can get from jewels is +70% and you can combine that with a shield, boxing and the initial blocking % to get nanomachines levels of damage reduction.
thank you for mentioning boxing
No problem, Misinput reminded me of its existence when I mentioned the calculations to him.
wouldn’t it be 100%? golden apple musgravite gives +10% blocking meaning with 10 gems its +100% blocking.
We have 4 items that give 3 gem slots (Thergist or whatever it is called) and an extra accessory slot that gives two. Thus, 14 slots.
And then I realised I forgot to factor in musgravite when I thought I did, so the actual max blocking power gained is +140% what the hell.