Better Base Building Bureau (Clan Building Showcase and Tips Thread)

? i think it looks cool whats your problem

the second and third image

i see no issues with it
are you critiquing my building skill or the actual design of the walls

You’re high, that fortress looks amazing

The whirlpools makes it hard to fight against too


Thank you, this kid is just one of those impossible to impress twats dont pay him any mind

Fun fact: I didn’t even once mention the fortress, I’ve only talked about the outer walls, those that are surrounding the claimed island.

Yes, I agree. It looks great, until you see the completely flat and barren wall of the third image, and partially of the second.
It’s as if you had an extremely detailed drawing, and on one part amidst the details, had a completely empty space, devoid of light, shadows, and intricacy in general.
Besides the outer walls, the only thing visible past them in the second and third image are the grey castle, towers, and their stale foundations. It lacks in contrast which makes it unappealing.

I’m not hard to please, it’s just that you don’t understand one of the basics of design: Consistency.

oh my lord bro are you an asshole on purpose or are you just autistic and cant help it

I could ask you the same, what’s up with you insulting literally anyone who disagrees with whatever you utter?
Either way, we should stop as it’s a derailment (contrary to my comment about how bad surrounding an island with walls looked)

Here’s an important tip: Your walls are meaningless to me and people imitating my speed.

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i just insult you because all you do is piss me off with your incessant complaining


OLIVE GARDEN! this is a wip by the way


as if your ass could afford even half of the shit there
run your mouth when you’re ahead of me , better yet, post some of your own builds you fucking brokie

I was talking abt the outside walls tho

You should talk out of your ass more its great :heart:

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You found a journal. Read its contents?

Progress update. Finally found what’s been killing our men. Can’t believe we thought it was assassins, or some kind of animal, when this whole time it was just a poison gas leak from some boarded-up tunnel. No, that isn’t right of me to say. How can I undersell something that we lost innocent people to?

I stared down the hole in the floor where the gas was coming from, but it was too deep to see the bottom. Everyone’s baffled at how the poison spread so far from its source; the blasted smog even reached the farms! Poison this strong couldn’t have just came from nowhere in some random old cave; I swear there’s something down there. To say we’re all spooked is an understatement. I’m wondering if we should just stop construction right now and sail over to the next island.

But Alex couldn’t sense anything living down that hole. Not so much as a soul. And you’d sooner catch me dead than catch me not trusting Alex’s judgment. So we decided to stay. Sealed off the hole with some sturdy wood, made sure it’s airtight, and got a Wind Mage to snuff the remaining gas out of the tunnels and, hopefully, off the island.

We repurposed the cave into a secret hideout. If it took us this long to find the gas leak, then… should we ever get invaded, it should take our enemies a while to find us, too. It’s a cozy little meeting room now, and a quiet place for me to polish jewels, though I hardly have time for that nowadays. We’re still working on printing out more posters to fill those boards with, as well.

To make a good thing out of a terrible discovery, it’s a cathartic feeling once the work is done. It might even save our lives someday, though I hope it never comes to that.

Those who survived the poison should make a full recovery now that there’s no more exposure… I hope. We could have saved so many more lives if only we were quicker to figure out how to cultivate those Saint Lily’s Flowers. Hired some of the best botanists the Bronze Sea has to offer, and it’s still taking too long. I guess they only grow naturally in the Dark Sea for a reason…

Anyway, this whole fiasco has me doubting again if I’m really cut out for this whole “king” thing. I get a sick feeling every time they call out my title. I must sound like I think myself so high-and-mighty. And maybe I did. I never thought choosing which old, abandoned ruins to live in would be a matter of life and death for anyone unfortunate to follow me.

It’s late. I’m tired of writing. I’ll leave it at this: I hope we never have to find out what was in that Gods-forsaken hole.


Project Olive Gardens has begun


What island bro

I love cave bases

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I don’t want to reveal all of our stuff but here’s one:

This is OPFB (Overly Protected Fishing Base), built on Thryos Crossing.


Shale reef