Bio's Development Log

vetex comes down from the havens and blesses the statues

Here we go again

Started working on a friend’s game


Unsure about this design, might need more work…

(Supposed to be an exp and level UI)

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looks good imo

could you uhhh
slide the code

or teach me how :blush:

That’s mostly just tweens, nothing too bad

theyre so cleaaaan thooo

but also the hp and level and exp

Reorganized this so it takes up less space:

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Implemented mana bar into the game

Might need to change the color scheme though…


much cool :tada:

Been feeling really unproductive lately, and my family’s going on vacation so I think I’m going to take a break from the internet for a bit.

(I’ll probably still pop in to the forums so I can get progress towards 100 days. )

But til then :wave:

Sorry to see you going for a little!

Well, i’m leaving for a thing called trek tomorrow, and i’ll be gone until Wendesday night. Scariest part of it looks like the car ride to the place rather than the walking and trek itself. or the thing about random ‘families.’

Popping in to post some art I made while bored ;v;
Haven’t drawn anything in a while, so I realized I should get back into it.


Tried to digitalize it, with mixed results. I quite like the one I did of @ImaLettuce 's character Vega though.

I need more character models that are fun to drawn q.q


I have no idea how lettuce is able to pump out art pieces every sunday like it’s nothing. q.q

He has something called “free time” thing that almost no one has(or probally he is just so skilled its fast and easy for him to draw)

I have image of cool model but i dont think he is considered fun

Thanks for drawing Vega!

Fun fact

The shorts I make him wear are supposed to be boxer briefs.

Been working on my passion project again, time to start using this log for it’s intended purpose .3.

I’ll try to spare the back-end details since that’ll be boring to watch, but these updates from now on will be to keep myself accountable to make some progress each day.

[0626-0630] - Base framework remake, welding weapon models are now more organized and uses a centralized server script to control everything. Currently revamping and reimporting everything one at a time from Ver. AD


I feel like I should have Saturdays as my weekly check-ins and see how I progress. Made a trello to keep progress but too shy to share for now -v-

Anyways, here’s some updates from v0.01 I didn’t mention in the previous post:

  • Added Equipping and Unequipping Weapons
  • Basic Animations now play when not equipped
  • Most basic functions have been revamped from Ver. AD (Still missing special moves and client camera effects)



Bit of an early update since I’ll be busy this upcoming week:

  • Made a mascot for the game
  • Knockback for moves has been added
  • Hit animations and EFX have been added (Normal and Heavy hit)
  • Added a slash effect to each sword attack


