Bio's Development Log

A lil’ ol passion project of mine that I’ve reworked like 4 times :melting_face:

Who let bio cook… its lookin too fresh

Thank you thank you~ :eyes:

Not overcooked or undercooked for sure.

Is this a game or something?

Yup, it’s going to be my game called ARMS Dealer which is set in a universe where your conscious manifests itself as a tool.

The first test session will start on august 1st :D!

Im gonna be your first favorite ong

cooked to perfection

@Bio sounds silly but what even is the game about? What’s an arm’s manifestation? Does the game have story?

Ok fine, you get a little sneak peak at the trello and some lore for the AD universe :slight_smile:


unironically better lore than my own universe :sob:

Epic lore. Do you mind if I come up with some ARMS manifestations for my OCs just for fun? I need entertainment (I’m too lazy to be writing rn)

how do you even come up with such a good idea like this smh

give me some of that creativity


Sure why not, I’ll be eagerly waiting for ideas :eyes:

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Keep writing typ :D!

This is a combination of a lot of failed forgotten writing pieces that I had no idea how to continue or screwed up. Also inspiration helps. :melting_face:

I came up with a sort of pseudo idea if you wanna read it in trusted lads :explosion_magic:

ARMS Manifestation: Akos (Rift):
Physical/Magical hybrid (If that is not available just go Physical)
Manifests as a thin style European double edged sword.

Has special skills based off of stunning the opponent with effects which visually appear as things breaking or using ice appearing abilities.

(This good? What should I add or change?)

Pretty cool, not a bad standard weapon.
You should give it a name if you haven’t already :D!

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I name it the Shatterstorm

“She smiled… in the middle of this war, when deaths are happening everywere… she smiled… what… what monster have they created?!”