Birth of a creature

Turn them into a programmer (truly a fate worse than death)

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they lack arms, but they engage in some sort of display of affection.


Bro this is cute af, Ong bro ;-;

i have a feeling this isn’t what you meant, but i got the idea and couldn’t resist.

on that note, i am signing off for today. feel free to issue any more commands you may come up with, and i will get to some of them at some indeterminate date in the future.


Have Nice Day and a Good Night :+1:

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dude ur epic. ima follow u.

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bro wait that actually looks sick though

They should clone themselves, and one of them crowns themselves king

and then they both got into a bloody fight afterwards

Give him a rat with an unnamed disease

Summon him, he’s harmless

Make him play Arcane Odyssey and become a pvp sweat

After thar he realizes he isn’t good enough and decides to ragequit

I’m sorry for putting that poor creature through that, but it had to be done :frcryin:

now draw it getting an education.

do a lil jig

now draw them telling me that everything will be okay

give one of them a fez

give them friends and family

without warning, both that ridiculous getup and the body shape necessary to wear it have vanished. it was probably entropy or some shit like that.
suddenly, many more creatures appear, and the original is crowned the king. this can only go well.

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after the clones arrived, multiple factions immediately formed based on differing ideals.
most notably, the monarchists, who wanted the original to serve as a ruler, the revolutionaries, who wanted everyone to collectively rule, and the psychos, who just wanted to fucking kill everyone.
there were also the moderate realists, who were more concerned with the fact that there was nothing to rule than they were with ruling structure. nobody really listened to them, though.
spurred on by the psychos, this disagreement turned into an all out war. at the end of the day, only a few monarchists and the relatively slim realist faction remained.

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reset the timeline so the original one and their friends are the only present ones