Boss Drop Values

im going to list out the value list from worst to the best. Also the value is the number

Boss Drops

mino helm - 0.5
mino legs - 0.5
exiled helm - 0.75
exiled legs - 0.75
Mino chest - 1
Exiled chest - 1.25
Vastira - 3
WOJ ( wall of Jericho ) - 4
Oath - 5


BE Sunken Legs - 5
BE Sunken Helm - 5
Sunken helm - 7.5
Sunken Legs - 7.5
BE sunken chest - 10
G Sunken Helm - 12.5
G Sunken Legs - 12.5
Sunken Chest - 12.5
G Sunken Chest - 17.5
BE Sunken sword - 22.5
Sunken Sword - 25
G Sunken Sword - 30

BE - Bad Enchant
G - Good

Good enchant is either Hard, Powerful or Bursting
Bad Enchant is either Keen, Nimble, Swift or Strong

Mind you that people will always value sunkens more than some boss drops so you might have to add a little bit more value

Like if this helped you
comment below if you want anything changed

standardized prices never work in a market about bartering

Keen and Swift aren’t even bad lol
Neither is Strong if you are going hybrid.

Also I’m pretty sure that Sunken Helm is the least valuable of the sunkens.

Liar, I cant buy a sunken sword with 6 oathkeeper.s

its equal but the person might decline because he wants a overpay
@Meta those are bad enchant for sunkens as if you want to do a strong hybrid then do strong mino
and keen is just bad…

Keen is pretty noticeable and actually decreases your cast times by a fair amount. As for Swift, it is broken for explosions so it isn’t good yet.

Go try it with self explosions and blasts.

enlighten me on how good swift is

This is a list of base value. Every person has their own opinions about values.

Nobody would trade an oath for 2 Vastiras, you’d be insane if you would trade 3 bad sunken enchants for a strong sunken sword, Nobody in their right mind would trade 6 oaths for A STRONG SUNKEN, and boss drops are nowhere near the value of sukens, I could understand if it was a bulk strong oath trade for a sunken but still, also gotta agree with Drama, trying to standardize values in an economy centered around bartering just wouldn’t work

well it depends on the persons opinion as these are just base values
but if you agree with drama then you should agree with this

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ye these discord messages sum my opinion up perfectly

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