After hearing about the possible removal of boss items through the removal of the storyline, I was very upset about the idea that my strong oathkeeper could get replaced by some useless vanity item as, “compensation.”
So I thought of a work-around for this problem. A suggestion that says to not remove boss items but have them locked for when they can later be re-added. I’m just giving a quick brieifing of my idea, the actual details are here:, on my suggestion post.
Please check it out and give it a vote if you agree with me.
- All boss drops are removed and replaced with a vanity item or weak bracelet
- Boss drops do not get removed, just locked in your inventory until new bosses can be added with the same drops
- Boss drops get reskinned and locked until new bosses can be added with the same drops (different skin but same stat)
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To expand on option 3, what I’m basically saying is that all the boss drops we currently have will have an OG skin that is unobtainable later on. However, the exact same type of items with the same stats will be added after TGR (just with a separate skin). This keeps PvP fair for everyone. This could go 2 ways:
The current boss drop skins are kept but when the new boss drops are added they have a different skin, example: new oathkeeper has a different skin. This means the old oathkeeper skin is no longer obtainable. Moreover, the names could be different as well (as long as the stats of both swords are the same)
The current boss drops are reskinned into something else and the new boss drops can have some other new skin or they can have the current boss drop skins.
To expand on both option 2 and 3, what I’m saying is that the boss items we have now are not removed from our inventories, but just locked and unable to be used until the weapons are re-added after TGR.
What I personally think
In my opinion, 3 would be the most fair to all players. Players who played the former WoM and had boss drops would be rewarded with an unobtainable skin, but will have no advantage over players who did not formerly play WoM. It would be pretty cool if they remodeled exiled armor so it’s black and the oathkeeper has a red hilt. These items would be locked after TGR and only useable when the new exiled armor is added somehow after TGR. That armor could look like the current exiled armor. Obviously, the names of the OG items and new items can be different. The only thing that matters is that they do the same thing.
PS: The exiled references are only an example, this obviously also applies to minotaur.
Also note that the enchantments should be saved and carried on, for example, if you have a strong oathkeeper right now it should remain strong.