Bounty Hunting over 500k

this man did not in fact say anyone was an asshole

Here you are.
Not every leaderboard player says “ez”. And those who do are infact can be called “assholes”.

Even if not picking that to the fact, you still shit on other people and say that they are worse than you. But you cannot prove that, since there is no proofs that you are not saying “ez” or being toxic in any other ways.

Now you are trying to change theme and start talking about my words ignoring its actual meaning.

Im sorry but how the hell do you have 500 pks in 3 minutes :skull:

Thats low, lmao.

the whole topic of this post is “what bounty level actually gives 500k fame players real reward?” but everyone here is just arguing or being stupid. Please answer this guy’s question

Me personally I think 100k is pretty high cause if you do that you just asking to be hunted cause you are likely to be the highest renown player in servers

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lb players are kind of like boss fights, where you have to kill their 3 minions first before being able to fight them. you need to train more

Maple answered to his question.

I also answered the question? it’s a 75% reduction for players under 150k renown while you are above 500k renown.




dude 100k bounty can be earned in a hour or two, did you forget about NPC executions still working until you reach the above 100k bounty threshold?

One Dark Sea expedition can passively raise your renown even if you are not farming it. For example: Sirens.

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yeah idk why Sirens give so much renown to be honest, it should be atlanteans giving this much.

Specifically Mutated+ Atlanteans, those are really strong.

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its cause grand navy is sexist
“You gained 450 fame for beating up a woman!”


Now you’re just putting words in my mouth. That’s not what I was even trying to say, but I think at this rate you might just be trolling.

I’m gonna stop replying to your messages here. You seem to want me as an enemy and I’m not gonna give you that. Have a good rest of your day.


yeah it just derailed because other people started talking

I also see that it is pointless to talk with you. So, have a good rest of your day too.

Ive caught more SW pieces than have had actual fights with lb players, and I check all 4 lbs for online players daily

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then go prep to hunt them like literally every other leaderboard player

So you said that you had a total of 1700 kills in your main file, so may I know how did you got so skilled? I got some serious skills issues but I love pvp, but I always die pathetically so it would be great to know some tips from an expert :smiley:

Sorry for the late post btw*