Bounty Hunting over 500k

The better your morals, the lower your chances to reach medium or high places on leaderboard.

Sad reality.


Not true. My existence itself means that it’s possible.

You are not even on leaderboard, bro. Not even talking about medium and high places.

+Nobody can prove that you are actually doing what you said.

Reject PVP, embrace PVE :fr:

I don’t want to share my username to the forums, but I can show my player stats on my main account. And I have about 590,000 fame, so I’m actually pretty close. But at the same time, I feel like you’re the type of person to just dislike anyone who PVPs competitively whether they’re a decent person or not. I don’t have to prove anything to you.

I will probably show the forums when I get my title though


lil bro i think its gonna be an if and not a when if you dont do the shit leaderboard players do to stay on the leaderboard :sob:
those kids spam t5 gilded petrify gels

I avoid fights that I already know are gonna be unfair. I’ve lasted this long at around 500,000+ fame, and I believe I can last a decent amount of time on low leaderboard with 600,000+.

I practice pvp on Munera myself. But I find it funny how some random cry about mechanic which punishes high renowns for rking low renowns and then shout that he is a “good boy”, while others are damn assholes, without proving that.

impossible for me, they all log or call 3 other people :sob:

(100,000 bounty)

never said anyone was an asshole?? you’re the one being passive aggressive here

i’m saying the requirement should be lowered. 100,000 bounty/fame isn’t low at all. Any lower than 100,000 and honestly I’d say it’s fair enough for me to not get anything from hunting them, but whatever.

this man did not in fact say anyone was an asshole

Here you are.
Not every leaderboard player says “ez”. And those who do are infact can be called “assholes”.

Even if not picking that to the fact, you still shit on other people and say that they are worse than you. But you cannot prove that, since there is no proofs that you are not saying “ez” or being toxic in any other ways.

Now you are trying to change theme and start talking about my words ignoring its actual meaning.

Im sorry but how the hell do you have 500 pks in 3 minutes :skull:

Thats low, lmao.

the whole topic of this post is “what bounty level actually gives 500k fame players real reward?” but everyone here is just arguing or being stupid. Please answer this guy’s question

Me personally I think 100k is pretty high cause if you do that you just asking to be hunted cause you are likely to be the highest renown player in servers

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lb players are kind of like boss fights, where you have to kill their 3 minions first before being able to fight them. you need to train more

Maple answered to his question.

I also answered the question? it’s a 75% reduction for players under 150k renown while you are above 500k renown.