Bow M1 Changes | New Bow Technique

Bow M1 Changes | New Bow Technique
effort 4.666666666666667 9 quality 4.625 8 reasonability 4.285714285714286 7


Bow M1 Changes + New Rare Bow Technique

Details/background on your proposal

As of now, the bow is a very straightforward weapon, mostly used for its M1s and not their skills because of how easy is it. Even a toddler can hit things with it.
Basically, here is my proposed change.

  • Holding the M1 button makes your arrow go faster, farther and with more damage. It would take roughly 1.5 seconds to fully charge an arrow. The range multiplier will still apply here. If you have this imbued, a magic circle will appear on the back of your hand you are drawing the arrow back with.
  • Pressing the M1 button will deal relatively good damage at close range but will travel less far and at a slower speed. It will also lose it’s damage the further it goes.
  • Players will now have a vanity quiver on their back with arrows, the arrows will be imbued if your class allows.
    (This is in the balance server, but this post has much more detail, plus I want Human Rights @Meta )

New Technique: Archer’s Focus
This move is a temporary state where, for the next 5 seconds, you can shoot an arrow and teleport to it after pressing the hotkey for the move again. This arrow will have 25% less range than a normal arrow. If you hit an enemy with an arrow while this move is active it will act as a grab, where you teleport behind the opponent and kick off their back before quickly shooting an arrow into their chest and falling back to the ground.
Cooldown for this move is 20 seconds.
(This move is on @Selector’s document, but I added more detail and some changes!)

Reason to add/change

As I’ve said, the bow is a weapon barely used for its skills. As well as this, it is very easy to just cheese NPCs and even players sometimes by just standing there and pressing the M1 button with little to no downtime between shots, unlike the musket or revolvers.
If you have any questions or comments/concerns leave them below instead of rate bombing this, it can always be edited.

Asca of Obolus out.
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Bows are useful now??

It could be interesting to see this in game

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I mean they are since 1.14 got released I managed to solo calvus with a branch bow LOL

I like this part but not the others lol

Bro did not read the last part of my suggestion

I can edit my suggestion as well ur right tho lol but I use bow skills

Ok? I’m saying most people don’t. What do you dislike about the suggestion for u to give it a one star

hmm idk maybe the quality?

But you’re not telling me what’s wrong with the quality

its 1 star

Ok so u genuinely don’t know what’s wrong with it is what I’m hearing

Bow user here, this would be COOL


The grab would be incredibly good, as long as it doesnt have the consistency of brutal rush. Its a great idea overall

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reason I did 1 star is bec I don’t like grabs thats all :person_shrugging:
I would love them if they consistently worked though

but its not my fault that they aren’t consistent? :sob:

Then thats not an issue with the suggestion, thats an issue with the game. Its not about perrsonal preference its about how it would fit into the game

I like the bow charging. I think it’s a good way to balance bow m1’s possibly being a bit overpowered.

The quiver change is unnecessary.

Archers focus is cool and could probably replace one of bow’s current abilities. But I think it should be a little more than a grab because I feel like there are too many grabs on weapons right now.

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Ye it’s not just a grab though! If you press E while the arrow is in transit you can teleport to it in the air!


That’s pretty neat, I think it compliments the bow’s ranged playstyle well. Maybe some pvpheads would find it annoying, but I think it’s cool.

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