Boxing No-Gloves Mode

Boxing No-Gloves Mode
effort 4.0 2 quality 4.0 2 reasonability 3.75 4

If you’ve tried at least a class that uses fighting style, you would know that boxing gives you gloves that cannot be removed. The reason for this is according to the boxing mentor, gloves is used to prevent damage from punching since apparently you’re punching so hard that causes your opponents to get knocked back. There’s one problem though, it ruins your outfit. Yeah you can use gloves to change the color of your boxing glove but it just doesn’t fit most of the time with the reason being the boxing glove itself, so here’s a change that I thought of:

Boxing Gloves Protection Option

  • When using your boxing fighting style, you will still have the option “H” which is known to switch your imbuement if you’re a warlock.

  • The boxing gloves themselves will now act as an imbuement instead of permanently equipped on your fist unless you don’t use boxing gloves.

  • By default, you’ll be wearing boxing gloves which prevents your fists from getting damaged but if you remove your boxing gloves, you’ll receive 15% of the damage you dealt to your enemy.

  • The reason why you receive damage if you deal damage to others without the boxing gloves on is to be lore accurate. This way, you can just imbue your gloves if you want to fight and keep your fashion sense when you aren’t.

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Dont use boxing much, but if I had to, an option to take off the gloves at least for a cool screenshot would be awesome, and it is justified in your suggestion as well.

or just make it so u remove ur gloves when u unequip instead of keeping them on 24/7, no need to give it some dumb nerf


That’s what I thought too but considering the obvious fix to this, vetex somehow haven’t added it which made me assume he doesn’t want it to happen unless there’s some sort of catch :sob:

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Iirc, the reason isn’t that you’ll take damage, it’s that so you don’t hassle yourself trying to put them on when you really need to. After all, it’s probably a real pain putting them on and taking them off. I like the idea though!

punching some flesh and bones can be painfull, especially if its protected by a layer of titanium armor and spiked shoulder pads


why can’t we just get an inventory toggle

tbf why can’t we just have like an evolution to boxing that uses no gloves or a glove replacement like hand bandages

(fr i’d want this in the game)

we can have it be like kickboxing or krav maga and it’d be similar to boxing with higher speed, normal damage but higher cooldowns or smaller hitbox size


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