Bro Vetex just drop this whole "lore" thing? you're making a game, not writing a story book, lore is not important šŸ˜­

But not to the degree that it interrupts gameplay, donā€™t get me wrong I approve of the change, but they arenā€™t coming from nowhere

honestly I think impacting gameplay accordingly to the lore is actually very immersive designā€¦? You wonā€™t feel the effects from the lore if theres 0 gameplay changes that happen to you.

Alright, in lore I highly doubt you just recharge your magic on the spot, itā€™s probably more akin to a battery, so how about Vetex changes the magic energy instead be very large, having tens if not hundreds of thousands of magic points, but when you run out, you have to do nothing for 3-4 in game days waiting for it to recharge. This change would be lore accurate, but terribly unfun to play given the overall game design

i actually thought the magic recharge ingame was very accurate in lore

I was giving an example of why a focus on lore above gameplay could lead to bad results, for a different one, I guess you could use the fact that the AO MC is effectively a savant in lore. I say effectively because classes as we know them arenā€™t really a thing in universe

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would most likely only work for singleplayer?

What would

when are times a focus on lore above gameplay could somehow be overall better

a world, which lore does not allow people to get world endingly strong, then ingame does not let people get world endingly strong?

Very rarely. In pretty much all cases, gameplay is what ultimately matters. That said, itā€™s the lore that made the gameplay in the first place, at least in a game like this. So where the lore begins and gameplay ends can beā€¦ weird.

To actually answer your question though, in a multiplayer game you not going to encounter any scenario where lore trumps gameplay. Single player, on the other hand, has the opportunity to do moreā€¦ experimental things. You could give a tremendously powerful character gameplay that truly reflected their might without worrying about player v player conflict.

As an example, if AO were a single player game, attacks that take up a quarter of the map would be fine to add, albeit theyā€™d have to take a lot of sacrifice to get. If you were to add such a thing to multiplayer, youā€™ll get players whoā€™ll abuse it and ruin the game for everyone.

TLDR: yes to your question about singleplayer

Iā€™m pretty sure Vetex said he wanted to write books about the Arcane Universe once he finishes his game somewhere, so he is actually quite literally writing a book :sob:

Whatā€™s with the crying emoji? Vetex wants to write, good for him

Because the title reads ā€œBro Vetex just drop this whole ā€œloreā€ thing? youā€™re making a game, not writing a story book, lore is not importantā€

But you yourself said AFTER he finished making the game, and as I said in a previous comment, I donā€™t think this decision was made just because of lore

he did not state what decision weā€™re even talking about here, I just saw the title and the urge to reply by saying Vetex Is actually planning to write a book came up. I didnā€™t read all of the discussion above but Iā€™m sorry if this is out of place to you

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Ah, sorry, I assumed you had been following the discussion. My bad.

nerfing shit for lore immersion has to be the laziest ass pulls ever ngl

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Wait, thereā€™s people who actually immerse themselves in AO?

never met anyone who did and will never want to be with them

You guys sort of missed something important, the game is still dubbed as ā€œEarly Accessā€ so Vetex isnā€™t just really NERFING skill requirement for just lore, maybe he just didnā€™t want us to be locked out from these features.

If you look at it this way, it is kind of weird to gain access to these rare spells on an earlier level (especially if your pure build) so kind of make sense to push these requirements further now because of Nimbus Sea.

EDIT: Forgot if lost is above or below rare but idrc so sorry lol.