Bro Vetex just drop this whole "lore" thing? you're making a game, not writing a story book, lore is not important 😭

In terms of scrolls it goes Rare > Lost > Ancient

The whole early access thing presents a unique problem. A lot of the mechanics and abilities unique to certain classes aren’t fully developed (or in the case of vitality, nonexistent). For example, mages are supposed to get access to an ancient magic, a lost magic, and a base magic. This is unique to them, allowing mages synergies no other class can get access to, but as things stand, those things aren’t available, and won’t be for a long time. As the level cap raises, though, mages will get access to lost magics faster, and the requirements are likely high enough that hybrids will not have access to them, possibly even in the next raising of the level cap. Vetex has to be very careful when raising the level cap to not leave some classes behind, not unlocking anything new.

Me when people complain about the game being consistent to the story

How are you when people complain about that?

in lore it does work like a battery since charging just takes magic from the air around you and throws it into your energy bar :person_shrugging:

Womp womp it’s a story game get over it


yeah, add that

Why :sob:

What is interesting is that vindicator doesn’t appear to be changed

lore accuracy, wich is why next update Warren’s infernal meteor will burn the whole wind-row island as soon as he lands

Cough Cough Argos

why change what is already perfect?

nah the lore is important to the feel of the game. and even if it wasnt, the post outright says “the previous unlock levels were temporary due to the lower level cap”; he’s literally saying he just wanted people to have access to these abilities so we could try them out before the level cap increase


This was the first time you posted, and you decided to post straght up facts

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I think this is a fair change until they add pure build exclusive things

his game his rules
dont like it, dont play

Whether the game is a lore game or not doesn’t really matter, the fact of the matter is that hybrids are losing power.

Let’s look at Warlock, and assume a VERY generous level cap increase of 25 (giving us 150, and 300 points to work with.)
A 60% invested level 150 would have 180 in either stat. With 180 Strength, a Warlock would gain:

  • Tier 2 Shot (157)
  • Tier 3 Crash (180)

With 180 Magic, a Warlock would gain:

  • Tier 2 Beam (157)
  • Tier 3 Explosion (180)

This would mean that the other stat is 120, meaning they LOSE Javelin/Selino, two skills they’ve been able to easily use for the past 2 months, while gaining only two minor tier increases, with it more likely being a single tier increase because a 150 cap is unlikely.
This means Warlocks will be using a less interesting kit than the one they’ve had in the FIRST SEA. Nobody likes losing cool stuff in a game, and there just aren’t enough rare spells and techniques in the game right now to justify taking stuff away and having it feel good. Sure, it’s Vetex’s game and he can do what he wants, but I think people are very justified in being frustrated that they’re having player power taken away for a flimsy reason.

TL;DR: Not enough content in the game to justify taking away stuff, feels bad, Vet can do what he wants but it’s still cringe

Edit: Just remembered that with a 150 max, you can actually do 150/150 to use Selino and Javelin still, but you miss those tier upgrades and you’re still virtually the same power level as bronze sea.


Fair enough tbh. I feel like we’re kinda limited in terms of effective options in terms of customization rn.

I’m so excited for this :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face: