Bro Vetex just drop this whole "lore" thing? you're making a game, not writing a story book, lore is not important 😭

Also, Weapons builds watching from the sidelines as all their shit is completely untouched :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



Changed the weapon stat requirement of Vindicator’s first move to 160 → 240
Changed the weapon stat requirement of Triasta of Bronze’s first move to 200 → 240

would match up with the requirements of rare skills that other stat builds get and were changed to more accurately reflect the “lore strength” your character would actually need to use these skills. The previous unlock levels were temporary due to the lower level cap. The requirements will not be raised or lowered for these skills again.

Mate if roblox breaks game again vetex will just finish story instead

*When Roblox breaks. Not if.

Right I forgot David likes do destroy good games by accident

Endgame cap as in “around the end of the story” or as in “total level cap?”

600 lvl around