Buff ship attachments

Buff ship attachments
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 5.0 3


Ship attachments as they are right now do terrible damage, even when you’re using the correct build. Hybrids also get the short end of the stick, only being able to do 50% damage with any ship weapon. On top of doing no damage, shark AI doesn’t work half the time (but thats a different problem)

Details/background on your proposal

(Include attachments, examples, and possible demonstrations of your idea as well here.)

Here’s a clip of me fighting a shark with the AI actually working correctly, if only for a while.
As a 120:130 str:wep warlord, I’m doing around 40 damage per hit to sharks. I dont know if theres supposed to be an additional mechanic, but it shouldn’t take a full minute to kill a shark
In my opinion, ship weapons should be doing at LEAST 100 damage if you have the correct build. If using skills on the sharks is more effective, then you should be buffing the weapons, not nerfing the skills.
To solve the issue with hybrids, ship weapons should do around 75% damage for every stat that you have in your build (for savants it can remain at around 50%). I haven’t seen much of a difference between the functionality of weapons, though, so if that hasn’t been added yet hybrids should do full damage with every stat included in their build
Another possible fix for this issue would be to give hybrids their imbuement effects on ship attachments Alongside changing the stats of a weapon, it would allow hybrids to still focus on one weapon like pure builds (given that imbuement would allow for a weapon to scale with both stats)

I just learned from another thread that ship weapons do similar damage between pure builds and hybrids, throwing spears are just universally bad.

Reason to add/change

As I’ve heard from a lot of people, the ship weapons are a bit of a joke right now, and if the shark AI isnt going to be fixed anytime soon, you might aswell buff the weapons.


  • Minimum 100 dmg for ship weapons
  • Hybrid scaling

Wow that dmg is like halberd q move

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I’m a 150 weapons 100 magic conjuror and my harpoon gun does about 60-80 damage per shot.
Its the best weapon I have for fighting off white eyes since every harpoon prevents white eyes from approaching my ship to attack, atleast for a while.

However, even if it did do enough damage, normal sharks are too small and too fast to reliably hit with harpoons, not to mention the sheer number of them.
I have no idea what’s going on with the shark in the video, I wish the ones that attacked me were that slow


It’s more efficient to just use magic blasts at this rate lol

probably should’ve mentioned the shark speed too, but its a bit of a separate topic
shark was just slow because its big

by the way, sharks will take 50% less damage from anything that isn’t those, and since they suck it gets very stupid to kill them

I’d suggest spamming your biggest AOE move you have when dealing with them for right now. So far jumping down and using greatsword Tempest has worked fairly well for me when dealing with normal sharks.

Bumping this

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