Buying Oathkeeper max clean 3000 - 4000 CR

The kids really gonna ignore the disclaimer most of the time because they lazy to read 1 word :pensive:

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this guy about to make the whole trading platform of wom & ao LMAO

No WoM

how much is powerful wizard robes worth

Tbh its probably worth mino boots or helm
not sure

i traded it for swift exiled helm + 2k crowns

Sad, you couldā€™ve gotten more with that swift exiled helm I believe

i meant i was the one who got the helm

Other common junk or crowns, a pvp meta set would be worth a couple to a few boss drops

Just saw you said powerful, in that case probably like 1 shitty boss drop

what could i get for full power/hybrid power + defence set

Like 3-4 good/clean or 2? best enchant armour(s) or a weapon if youā€™re lucky

Kinda confusing, is the slash an ā€œandā€ or an ā€œand/orā€

technically its hybrid only bc i just traded the powerful wizard pants but i dont have a hard defence amulet yet

So basically 2 pretty much complete sets, then yeah 3-4 good/clean armour pieces maybe 2 best ench or a weapon

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Going to be rlly inaccurate cause of demand and usefulness

In terms of converting it to items yes, in terms of actual crown value it should be decently accurate since I would like to think Iā€™m better than the average 3rd grader at math :sunglasses:

it wonā€™t?? Theres a compensationā€¦ Which indicates itā€™s being removed

itā€™s been like this for over a year?

(not stolen from rb1 ok bye)