Buying Oathkeeper max clean 3000 - 4000 CR

xytole #9669


Uh, no.

how much is it currently worth?

just know that old boot > 5k crowns


alt code farming gets you 5000 crowns in under 5 minutes

i have 6 of them

its worthless but still worth more than crowns

lmao why

alt code farming

but why is old boot so expensive though

its not

wait so how much is oathkeeper worth right now

in terms of crowns: โˆž

bro all i want is a damn oath keeper, ive been gone 2 months and this happens

its because at this point crowns have negative value, just go farm exiled for it

what are the chances again?

idk go read wiki, all i know is that you need to solo for best chances
ok i gtg to school adios

Actually, taking the time needed from this topic to get 2600 crowns How many crowns is a vastira worth?
and assuming that getting an old boot takes aroun 1 and a half - 2 minutes, 2600รท3 = 866, which means that you get 866 crowns per minute, and also means that in 1 min and a half you get 1299 crowns, and in 2 minutes you get 1732 crowns, so an old boot would be worth 1299~1732 crowns.

This was totally not to plug my other reply

A full clean exiled set w/o shield
