Buying Oathkeeper max clean 3000 - 4000 CR

Your newborn gatin-explodindo

It’s been like this for more than a year lol

istg if oathkeeper becomes unobtainable on AO

ACTUALLY, yet again assuming to crown farm takes 3 mins blah blah you know, and then with the chance of getting an oath is 1/50 which means you will have to kill the exiled around 50 times to get an oath, yet again from my other reply in the vastira crown worth I will assume that the total time for each exiled kill is 5~10 minutes, which means it will take you 250-500 mins to kill the exiled 50 times (4 hours 10 mins - 8 hours 20 mins), so now we have to do the calculation of how many crowns you will be able to grind during that time, 2600 x 20 = 52,000 which means in an hour you get 52,000 crowns, now (52,000 x 4) + (2600 x 3) + 866 = 216,666. That means in 4 hrs and 10 mins you get 216,666 crowns, and now we will have to do (52,000 x 8) + (2600 x 6) + (866 x 2) = 433,332 which means that in 8 hrs and 20 mins you get 433,332. In conclusion what all of that means is that an oathkeeper is worth:
216,666~433,332 crowns.


i cant explain how big brain you are right now

Watch me have gotten something wrong lol

The calculations are pretty straight forward :woman_shrugging:, calculate the total time to get a said drop which you will need the time for 1 kill or as many as you would like, though 1 kill works best, then get the total time to farm all the available codes which in my case I’ve assumed it is 3 minutes, but it’s not 100% accurate, then do the crowns x the time that matches the time to get the drop.

If that made any sense lmk :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m pretty sure there’s a way more efficient and simpler way to do it, but eh it makes it look cooler

It is unobtainable in AO gatin-explodindo

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The oath itself will be unobtainable, but the compensation obtainable therefore you are wrong ezzz


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ur dumb

probably makes sense but im too lazy to do math rn

Man, why does every new forumer make a trade about crowns :frpensive:

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I’m gonna make a topic listing the crown value of every rare item including sunkens and fish just out of spite
expect it to be done by at most thursday


But hey, at least it helps with nooby traders

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Not really crown values of rare items dont exactly help determining the actual value in terms of items

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yes im just doing it to prove that i did, infact, graduate kindergarten (lie)

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tbh a trader really gonna do this
“200,000 is mino chest ?, ok 100,000 + 100,000 mino hat”
Lets see whos the first to say that

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I guess when I make it I should put a disclaimer that they shouldn’t use this to determine values, either way I’m not gonna make the value of every single rare item since that wouldn’t be possible, I’m just gonna do any drop chance and specific drop chance, since for example the crown value of an oath would be the same as an exiled boot.

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