CACV-59 Shipwreck

“Did you just destroy somethi g again?”

( its time for your morning sanity check! )

mention discobot for a roll of 5d50 and 1d250


scroll up

@discobot roll 5d50

:game_die: 37, 12, 21, 37, 15

Is it good?

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

you still need to roll 1d250

the first roll is a sanity roll
the second is the check

@discobot roll 1d250

Did you know that the maximum number of sides for a mathematically fair dice is 120?

:game_die: 36

rounding up to the nearest 0.5

you regained 1% sanity. ( because 122-36 = 86, and i say that’s close enough )

Anyway, time to continue with the day.

“I’ve finally decided we should probably get expeditions underway…”

“Hopefully eventually this can lead to us leaving the dark sea entirely.”

“I would like to but that guy broke fort again just after I finished repairing it”

“Either way you’re not fit for expeditions, as you got downed once… we don’t have anything to counteract that yet, so it’d be practically suicide.”

“We should frist come back to full force and gear up before doing any expeditions”

“Only 2 of you have been downed once, though.”

“With expeditions I do mean within reach to pull them in with a rope attached to their rowboat, that way they can’t go missing.”

“You remember what happened to our ship that is much bigger than rowboat?”

“Honestly it’s a haze what happened before we crashed.”

“And trying to recall that haze to something I can actually understand is not going to help right now.”