CACV-59 Shipwreck

“Rope wont save anyone from creatures similar to that giant eye”


“But it’s not like we have a compass, we still need to make one.”

“Unless… there’s one in the ship.”

“I never checked that.”

He checks the navigation equipment.
The vessel is in poor condition, though.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 5

To nobody’s surprise, all our navigation equipment is busted.
And unsalvageable too.


“You are captain of thos ship and YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHATS ON YOUR OWN DECK!?”

“I don’t even know how much time went by since we crashed.”

“Either way, it’s busted.”

“And the information tape isn’t going to play on a busted ship.”

“So all I have to go off of are manuals.”

He starts flipping through the pages of the manual.

“Now I wonder how I ended with you all in middle of nowhere”

“That’s the thing : We all don’t remember.”

“May it be sabotage or malfunction, or being raided, all we know is that we’re here now and we’re to survive and eventually leave this wretched place.”

“If we’re to do nothing it’s going to cause more problems than good.”
“So risks are something we’re going to have to take.”

“Calculated risks, sure.”

“Risks nonetheless.”

“Can you tell me if sun is going up or down?”

“My eyes arent as good as they used to be”

“We’ve all consistently slept somewhat, so our circadian rhythm may be mostly intact.”

“And that’s how I judge if its morning or night.”

“Right now its morning, and we have plenty of time left in the day.”

“Ok so if sun is there and still going up thern east is that way”

Draws compass on ground

“Its not much but should help with directions”

“…you know which direction east is, exactly?”

“sun appears from east and goes down on west.”

“Yeah, but you can see the sun through the dark sea’s clouds?”

“Just look on shadows. Its pretty bright in there”

“Y’know what? That’s a good observation. Though that doesn’t help with knowing where the EXIT is.”

“Do you remember in what place our entire journey started?”