CACV-59 Shipwreck

“The place we took off from was Palo Town.”

“So… we have to start heading West?”

“If we assune we went from palo town straight to dark sea we must go west. So youre correct”

“Well, and if not we’ll either run into the Pelion rift, or further south…”

“Which is still better odds than nothing.”

“We actually have a timeframe to get out now!”

“No we dont”

“You see that the water went back to sea leaving beach without it?”

“It means giant wave is about to come here”

“We should find good hideout to survive that”

“Didn’t we like… make one already?”

“Frist of all I did.”

“Second usually wayes are big enought to destroy entire cities. Now im reminding you we are in dark sea”

“What about using the fort as a dam sort of thing?”

He chooses to aid with rebuilding the wall.

“If you didnt realise yet I woke up 4 hours earlier just to repair and improve the fort”

“Well, I’m still helping!”

He makes sure to waterproof it so nothing can get through the cracks.

“Its built with similar material as ravenna castello so the only thereat for is will be wave begin magic imbued or really really big”

“Magic imbued wave?”

“That reminds me…”

( by the way @Shellseawing , you haven’t properly done a morning roll yet )


scroll up

first roll is your sanity roll
second roll is your check roll.

if your sanity roll is above your check role by 50 (0.5%) or 100 (1%), you regain sanity. it applies to always go to the nearest 0.5%

so having a 200 sanity roll and a check of… like 10, would still net you 2% sanity back.

your check is HALVED if you took warding the previous day

Hey guys I just maxxed out my cooking level whats been happening while I was cooking

morning sanity roll

@discobot roll 5d50
roll 1d250

@discobot roll 5d50

:game_die: 29, 24, 27, 35, 13

@discobot roll 1d250

Did you know that the maximum number of sides for a mathematically fair dice is 120?

:game_die: 20