CACV-59 Shipwreck

I drank a warding potion so I think I’m fine

Good I lose more sanity

actually your second roll was 20 and that was the check so no-

you actually gained 1%


your second roll is halved so you only need to do a roll of 1d125

wtf why so big?

regular checks are 1d250

so its actually still better


@discobot roll 1d125

Did you know that the maximum number of sides for a mathematically fair dice is 120?

:game_die: 39

and then there’s also the sanity roll

which is still 5d50 but either way you’re more likely to gain sanity than lose any

also do a roll of 5d50

@discobot roll 5d20

:game_die: 6, 17, 3, 11, 20

what no its supposed to be 5d50

you can redo your roll


@discobot roll 5d50

:game_die: 6, 10, 1, 3, 6

Either way you neither gained nor lost sanity.


Wardens on top :sunglasses:

“Okay… so, we’re to head… West.”

“ItsNotMe drew up somethin’.”

what was your guy’s opinions on the thermolord nerf?

(in rp)