Can weapon and fighting style users get as strong as curse and magic users?

Wouldn’t that be a paladin? I’m confused.

i thought that was about fs and weapon users with 0 magic at all, like relying just on physical strength with no aura

From what it seems that is impossible and also why lol

anything that isn’t in the games or the lore doc isn’t confirmed, including freedrock being stronger than cursebeard

ehhh enough discussion i’m not reading 55 replies with water on my ears
Ok vet but uhmmm do conjurers warlocks or paladins have the same potential as full mages or something like they use magic, of course they can’t use as many lost magics they can but uhmm are they like stronger?

Also are mutations retconned or are they just a Seven Seas thing?

Do you play deepwoken? If you do can I gank you and get catacylsm magic ?

general Zaix, a fucking curse user, said he got his ass beat by another general who used martial arts :confused:

General Zaix was the one who was good at martial arts, he got beaten by General Avery Walker which posesses the slash curse and is a great swordsman

in his notes wasnt there a female general who he said was stronger than him?
both died to avery walker but she also used martial arts and was at least stronger than him.

She wasn’t good at martial arts she just used magic

yeah i see it know, guess freedrock also got nerfed after the concept of unknown being scrapped

they split their focus in weapon/fs, ofc they wont be as powerful as they would be if they focus entire in magic instead

seven seas thing, mutation is still very much a thing… as of the time im wriing this anyway

he did and he doesnt like it

Basically magic gives you the most control of magic energy, with weapons and fs being more limited

Classes don’t technically exist in AO and you can learn all three while still having multiple magics and such

So essentially a mage can still learn a fs and master a couple weapons along with his magic but it will take a longer time than if he just focused on magic, although he won’t be able to learn weapon aura he can still imbue his magic on to it, same with fighting style

Weapon aura is obtained by those who focus primarily on weapons but they can learn a few spells or techniques if they choose,

Does that make warden the strongest in the lore for our character?

no, every class is probably about equal

Lore wise

if i understood vetex’s posts here correctly then the most important thing is magic energy, so probably still around equal if they have the same amount of magic energy

But base off what the guy said it seems that our character is one of thr only people who can run warden without frying their soul

that’s just speculation for how warden and spirit weapons work, we have 0 idea for what they actually are

i don’t believe that warden and other vitality classes will use primordial magic, since, well, that’s just old magic, it would just make them an outdated mage

version -1.27.12 (the magic update)

I think it’s magic energy control that’s more important, since magic energy is in abundance everywhere

Therefore using pure magic gives you the most control while aura and imbuements give limited control