Can weapon and fighting style users get as strong as curse and magic users?

i feel like this has gone too far off topic

yes, being a mage just means you can summon magic circles to conduct your magic energy through and give it form, everyone else who isn’t a mage can still possess magic energy control, but only to a small degree (which is why most powerful fighting style/weapon users aren’t even aware they are imbuing magic onto their attacks as “aura”, as the boxing mentor says)

i mean yeah why wouldn’t they be able to, if its in lore its not like they aren’t allowed to pick up a weapon or something


so do wardens imbue their souls with magic

Until vetex or tech confirms that spirit weapons and by extension spirit manipulation are well-documented in how they work, then that’s the most likely reaction

Vetex dropping the juicy lore bits

So from what it seems, pure fighting style/weapons users can still get pretty damn strong considering they can make it to the top 15-25, especially if that includes curse users

So this means that in lore AO MC progresses similarly as PK did in AA. Since MC is a mage, they would always get 3 magics by default judging from Theos’ explanation on the three minds, which is basically a deeper explanation on what Awakening actually is. They still have the freedom to still train using a weapon and/or fighting styles if they want, but they’re not restricted to just magic only.

This means that AO MC might actually be more versatile/stronger than what the gameplay depicts, especially further in the story. Imagine a Mage with 3 magics, 1 Ancient, 1 Lost, and is still just as capable with combat and a weapon of choice, WITH AURA. Like dayum.

Also, idk if PK even uses Aura. And Magic is more advanced in the War Seas, so if this MC has around the same potential as PK, they might even be slightly better than PK


My character being able to use weapon aura, imbue fs aura and fire magic on top of it

But other than whatever the mc has taken, there should be some limits to the people around us

Like weapon aura being exclusive to those who heavily favour weapons over all else( can still learn a few spells or techniques)

Imbuing magic onto fs or weapons can be done by mages but is far more efficient when done by those who learn the two equally as much

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Yeah, I’d imagine there will still be limitations to this. Taking time to master more than one thing will take away time that you couldve spent on mastering one thing only and thus becoming better with it faster. A mage who focused on both weapons and magic wont be able to surpass another mage’s magical skills if that said mage only focused on mastering magic.

Even more so if the amount of stuff you chose to learn increases. Sadly, Calvus was dumb with this lmao

But something tells me that MC won’t do the same thing as Calvus and will be wiser on what theyll choose to learn

idk if this has been answered, but how strong is vitality in lore compared to magic/weapon/fighting styles

oh yeah also i think that the player in ao will be stronger than pk because even though pk can get powerful more quickly, ao player has a little bit of godly blood (i think). its like if you have either a stupid amount of low quality stuff (you go very fast but theres a limit) or a small amount of high quality stuff (you go slower but the limit is increased)

so the player is canonically a better savant than calvus :fr:


If you say so T-T I just think it will do more harm than good to link everything to one source of power that some classes obviously have higher proficiency of

Vitality is pretty much mages before they had circles it’s magic but from the soul from what I understood so it has a high price to it but probably hits like a truck and wardens were referred to as priests so the fact that they related to gods probably means a lot.

Yall just thinking about it too much it’s not that everyone is a savant it’s that some mages have strong mind but fragile ass body not everyone gonna pick a sword because they can .-.

So since Warlocks/Conjurers imbue actual Magic onto their weapons/fighting styles (Berserkers and Warriors use aura), their skills could get as strong as Mages’s?

I’m pretty sure build limitations dont exist in lore right? Using FS doesn’t lock you out if Magic and weapons

Already 15%? :disappointed_relieved:

The system with mages and wardens really reminds me of the power system in Overlord, there is tier magics which are the modern magic and then there is Wild magic which is described to be thr primondinal and ancient form od magic that uses the soul instead of mana/energy and can also use other souls as sacrifice to make stronger spells.

does that mean that fighting style and weapon users with aura can be as strong as a mage? or are they still limited?

He said there are some in the top 25-20 which automatically makes them stronger than most characters and it mean it’s probably rare but not impossible but I imagine none are in the top strongest.