Can weapon and fighting style users get as strong as curse and magic users?

yeah, I think for savant it’s complicated tho since it depends what type of savant we’re talking about

I feel like this is

A) Vetex’s most replied thread.

B) Vetex’s way of saying “screw you, I like magic”.


shouldnt the same logic from mage = conj, also apply to mage = paladin?

so the final ranking is mage = paladin = conjurer = warlock ≥ warden > knight = juggernaut > warrior = warlord = berserker, and then savant depends

couldnt savant be stronger than all, cause they have experience in magic + weapons + strength and stuff
also our character in lore is a savat and becomes crazy strong

The MC is a freak of science that far exceeds the potential of your average person

not for that reason, adding 2 (weapons/strength) to 5 (magic) will be less than 5 + 5 (pure magic), the savant would only be able to get stronger than them if their magic is stronger

It all loops back to if their magic is strong or not

He didn’t mean it literally…
He meant it in the way that had he been at his prime, the fight wouldn’t have even been considered a fight, and at the time he was being defeated, MC would have already been dead and their corpse already being disposed of.

Wait, could this prove that Neviro might become a spirit weapon user? Im saying this because he’s the only one in the group who isnt a Mage, and while he could potentially just become a very strong non-magic user, it’s noted the guy is durable as heck, survived a stab from Calvus, beinng thrown to the ceiling and was very quick to recover.

He even managed to climb the Stepstones, and it was noted that only strong people could climb up. Dude managed to rock climb with normal human strength alone.

Becoming a spirit weapon user as well could be the very thing that allows him to catch up with the rest of the gang. :thinking:

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i don’t think neviro recovered that quickly after all he only manages to stand up in wind row, and climbing the stepstones ehhhh it took him a very long time and I doubt it is that hard that only strong people can climb it and I like the concept of him being the weaker one but being a prince and having kingdom and political knowledge

they are

i mean if Iris managed to climb it then the requirement for physical strength probably aint that high… unless shes actually fcking jacked and we dont know about it ( warlock Iris when )

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Due to magic energy, humans become progressively more swore with age and experience

he didn’t answer that, he said they were rare but also said mages are rare, we don’t know wich is rarer

idk why but that reminded me of

one must imagine the lost heir happy…

(Credit to @Itz_Just_Mike )

well mages have magic leap at that point, she could’ve used that instead

bro PLEASE stop with those