"Canon" MC

Other than the obvious (MC, as stated by Vetex, is canonically a Savant with Good Reputation), we have no clue the “canon” of them. So i kinda wanna see people discuss it.

starting off, definitely uses Lightning magic. like i think everyone kinda mutually agrees on that because it’s the most commonly used magic.

but as for the debates i don’t see people make:

  1. Which awakening did they choose? (Fighting/Magic)
  2. Which Fighting Style(s)/second Magic do they use? (Vouching for usage of Basic Combat and Boxing and/or Thermofist as their second FS if they chose it, or Fire for their second magic.)
  3. Which weapons do they use?
  4. Which Savant build do they use?

(I name Savant builds by which stats they primary invest in. For instance, a Paladin Savant would be a Savant who has most of their points in Magic and Vitality, or a Fighting Savant would be one who invests in mostly Fighting Styles.)

Now Personally…

Lightning Basic/Boxing/Thermofist Warlock Savant (similar distribution in both Magic and Strength) who chose second Magic, using Fire Magic.

They’d probably use a Katana… and a dual Katana… and maybe pistols.

Do they synergize? Nope. Does it matter? Nope.

the TL:DR is i think the MC would just use what typical anime cosplayers in AO think is the coolest, which would probably be Lightning, Fire, Thermofist, and Katanas.

but yeah state your opinions i guess. maybe they wouldn’t be the typical anime protagonist who’s perfect at everything.

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if we’re actually being creative and not using lame archetypes, i feel like the MC would use “underrated” things paired with Lightning. some obscure Savant build that is really strong in the right hands.

something like Basic Combat, Lightning, Water Fighting Savant.

personality and other personal details, the little things, are questions i should’ve asked too. boy or girl, what do they like to eat, etc.

i guess this is really just headcanon OC’s at this point huh :sob:

idk i’m too lazy to think all that up, but i guess for my headcanon the “canon” MC is either the lame archetypical Fire Lightning Thermo Katanas Savant, or the slightly more unique Lightning Basic Water Savant.

whatever i’m bored that’s all for today

a reminder that classes aren’t canon, therefore the mc isn’t limited to learn either only another magic or fs


oh good point. though i’m pretty sure magics are like, limited to your minds canonically though, but theoretically they could learn every fighting style and any magic, as long as they open their minds to it.

Does he know?

wait, are minds not canon anymore or something? ik vetex changed the canon of a lot but idk what stuff. i’m not up to date on the lore besides everything that happens Arcane Odyssey and post.

Yeahhh… theyre not canon. Neither is Awakening, just a game mech. Technically, anyone can learn any magic now as long as theyre taught, just thay it gets harder to learn a new one each time so yeah

i (think) I knew about awakenings but minds is interesting. so in canon, the MC could just learn everything we have in game and not be restricted to spells?

honestly, if AO were to get it’s own webcomic, i could see some cool character development scenes and a really big arsenal

Theres a plan to make AO into a book. Thats why I often look at lore in the perspective of an author and the book, and looking at gameplay seperately.

But yeah, MC is not restricted to spells. Its even hinted they mightve been an Oracle that used a Spirit Weap at the same time because of their Spirit Weapon being with them from the start of the game, and is apparently the only thing theyre able to remember (its an heirloom too, meaning its from their family)

Also, Ill write an essay abt MC in a sec, Im just eating rn

doesn’t it also hint some connection with Zeus, from the lightning synergies to the “Eagle’s” Patrimony (Zeus commonly connecting to eagles)

did it taste good?

It was my favorite noodles from childhood. It was good :+1:

I don’t think fighting styles will be too relevant in the book/lore, since it’s a magic based series
They 100% are gonna get magics and mutations
Oh and spirit weapons too

Wait awakenings don’t happen??

MC actually isnt of good rep, theyre meant to be neutral. Theyre someone who has a strong sense of justice and a sense of duty, but that doesnt mean those actions would be seen as “good” by the public. Theyre considered a neutral force. Heck, killing King Calvus has severe consequences.

With MC being a savant, I think itll work differently in lore, in a sense that theyll pretty much master one thing at a time rather than multiple. I think thats what went wrong with Calvus (as he tried mastering too many at once).

For example, in the first sea, theyll master their Magic first, and only then they move on to Spirit Weapons after mastering Magic, so on and so forth.

Though, I think both Spirit and Magic will be top priority. Because if you pay attention to the Paladin Awakening, MC is the only one able to use both Spirit and Magic at the same time, literally their power as a legacy of the Gods.

Magic hurts people because it clashes with another’s magic energy, so does Spirit with Spirit. So imagine someone who can do BOTH. Ouch.

This does mean that Fighting Styles or Weapons, at least, arent a priorify until later. Though, nothing is stopping them from punching someone midfight if they get desperate lol

I feel like thats the EXACT kind of character that Vetex is trying to avoid lol.

Im surprised you didnt think of Water because of Poseidon. The way he talked to MC almost sounded like we’re his descendant, tho MC could be Zeus’. Well, Ive got a theory its both, cause nothing is stopping two legacies having a kid and making a kid thats a descendant of more than 1 god.

So at the very least, theyd have Lightning as their first magic, Water as second… idk for their third… I thought of Light because they always draw attention to themselves… and to contrast Morden who is clearly their character foil (or Lancer as one would call that). But Im not sure.

At least, I think MC would def have Storm (btw Mutations are canon in lore, magic scrolls are just game mech)

If that was the case, then MC wouldnt have been captured by Ravenna in the way they did. Like, 99% of what went down was kinda their fault :joy:

  • They wouldnt keep their mouth shut when talking to Arwald, who rat us out.

  • We refused to escape For Talos and decided to confront General Argos.

  • They werent able to hide properly in Ravenna and got caught by Carina…

  • And then they were dumb enough to actually listen to her taunting us to go to the Castello, in which we were found by General Julian.

MC has the fatal character flaw of hubris, fitting since this is greek themed. Theyre very confident in their abilites, sometimes to a fault.

This is visible when theyre confident in “beating people up” such as during the Frostmill main quest, theyre quick to volunteer to get info about whats causing the place to melt, by beating up a bunch of bandits.

In the Cerunno side quest, the guy who gives you the side quest is surprised when MC volunteers to fight for some info, and I remember seeing MC respond that shows their confidence in succeeding lol. In the Fort Talos story, MC even taunts a guard when theyre caught.

This also explains how MC did some side quests as some of them are pretty crazy (such as taking down ships). And Im certain side quests are canon in lore too because the Awakening Quest requires MC to enter a place thats only found in a side quest, and the main story has two small timeskips that allows room for side quests to happen.

It can be concerning, because hubris is kinda a death sentence in greek tragedy… hehe…

Also, MC has their own backstory which Vetex says is very important to the story. Who they were and what they do. So theyre pretty much their own person.


Nope. Though, the Poseidon thing did give them a boost, so I guess thats the closes to an “Awakening”? But yeah, they dont actually happen. I think in lore, MC just gets sent away to prepare for the war. It definitely explains the placement of Rill Hendrix’s quest…

But I think we can all agree that THIS GUY would be what the mc looks like


I thought it was since warren says that for some it just happens naturally over time

Hmm, Im not sure. He wears red, MC may have Lightning Magic, and even if they dont, they have a Spirit Weap with the teal god aura. They would be wearing teal/blue, which fits the theme of AO, which is teal/blue

Also, wouldnt black hair make MC too similar to Morden? Since Morden is kinda their character foil…

Its just Vetex’s way of introducing the game mech, but its not canon