"Canon" MC

He’s a colorful guys

The MC is actually Vetex, my sleep paralysis demon told me so

And also yeah I thought about him being too close to morden, but the armor vs depression would even it out I think

Theyd still kinda look like brothers tho lol

After everything, are they not?

although i didn’t think of it for any specific lore purposes…

there’s that

oh yeah that makes sense. so basically like Luffy i guess??? (sorry one piece has infected my mind)

that’s good it’d be a pain if that were a case. i’d like a character with genuine development and plot devices, not “oh i’m the chosen one i master EVERYTHING!”

good lets me immerse myself more into the character. now i can officially say that my character is genuinely me!

don’t forget the option to say you didn’t even break a sweat against Elius, which he then claps back with “don’t lie, you dodged my attacks for a reason.” but this does let us know that the MC at least has some skill. i mean we took down Calvus for a reason.

in terms of power i’d definitely say that Argos was the canonically more difficult fight, cause he wasn’t even killed by us, just the ceiling which he, specifically, collapsed.

who knows. maybe we were all made in a vat or something (hence some of the Insanity dialogue) and Morden was as well? (i love spreading conspiracies)

I dont think so, Morden was with his family in the past (but no longer around for unknown reasons). Id assume MC did as well, Vetex said that Morden doesnt even know MC’s past. But we can conclude thaf MC probs has no place to go just like him, or else he wouldve said something.

ohhhh mkay, i guess i missed that. i hope morden tells us what happened sometime soon, or at least we get some lore about it.

and i wonder what Calvus meant by him recognizing us and if it relates

Oh was this mentioned in the journal? I dont remember this

I think its more to do with us being related to the Gods. As its stated people can sense something different about us and Morden.

Its confirmed the Order were hunting these people down and experimenting on them to unlock some sort of seal, maybe one that was created by the Gods, which is why its inaccessible.

He mentioned his family in the journal, yeah. But from whats written, its implied theyre no longer around, as he says he misses home and family.

Yeah him recognizing us was about our power’s aura

so that probably explains why Poseidon sensed our power. but is that whole thing canonical, or is just the Awakening bit non-canon? did we still meet with poseidon and get some of his power?

oh, i should reread the journals then cause i don’t remember Neviro’s either other then him like, training and meeting Iris. i’m missing out on lore :sob:

I think the Poseidon thing is canon, just the Awakening bit isnt. The Gods are crucial to the lore, especially with MC, so I dont think it would be made non-canon

Oh yeah, if its not explained in the journal, then its definitely gonna be important to the main story.

Vetex said that the journals are there for stories that wont come up in the main story, but will still be there for the players who want lore. So if something is left out intentionally, like Morden’s backstory, then its gonna be important. I remember seeing Vetex say that both MC and Morden’s backstory shouldnt be dumped on the player on day 1, and this kinda has the implication that Morden’s backstory is important just like MC’s

okay good to know. i feel like that whole quest, other than the obvious upgrade, feels real redundant if the entirety of it would be non-canon.

okay good, i’ll definitely reread them then. i should make my own little lore doc so i can keep track of all of it in case i forget

Vetex confirmed they’re a lightning savant

wait what if the canonical mc is just vetex’ self-insert

as long as they’ve got good lore i really wouldn’t mind i just want a good story and good gameplay

we know that awakening isnt a thing lore-wise

but if we’re talking about making a character ingame, then most likely magic

i would say basic

we dont know how canon the side quests are, if mc only visits the island they do in the storyline then they wouldnt be able to know anything other than basic

  • they did not go to gojo, shell or munera, so no boxing, sailor or ileg
  • while they did go to ravenna, they most certainly did not meet the thermo mentor as they go meet revon right away → fight carina → get captured by Julian → mine → kill Calvus → escape the Bronze Legion, so no thermo either

as for 2nd magic, probably water, Poseidon and all that

i would say dagger cause Morden gave us one, flintlock cause that guy at Redwake gave us one, and the last one… probbably a spear or trident cause Zeus and Poiseidon

i dont do savant so i have no idea what this mean

TL;DR: Lightning/Water User with Basic Combat and dagger, flintlock and spear/trident

and the eagle patrimony too ig

yeah okay this’ll be my new headcanon, and honestly Lightning/Water/Basic sounds fun as hell.

as for their design… idk i have ideas