"Canon" MC

i would say either red or blond hair, mostly because it wouldnt overlap with morden and tucker ( we know that Vetex likes “realism” in his game so other unnatural hair colors like blue are most likely dyed ).

I personally vouch for blond and blue eyes, poiseidon/water and zeus/lightning colors. Maybe some white mixing in due to mental stress from the experiments, Morden did say we went through a lot worse than him

But atleast the animation itself fits?

Vetex’s ideal cannon MC is a light magic user, Their choice of spirit weapon is the default lightning spirit weapon

we can’t really put a guess on the cannon mc’s FS but we can say for sure that the MC uses some sort of sword, as its sfx is used on occasions such as Killing Calvus or Other bosses in cutscenes

the MC is deffiently a SAVANT thou

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oh yeah ive never considered this, interesting

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Remember, MC’s first weapon at the start of the game if a dagger/knife.

Oh yeah, they would probs be using a gun too as they were given one in a side quest at Redwake

100% savant with vitality imbued onto magic. The magic would probably be something more obscure, sand, ash (biased because my favorite goober uses it), or snow would work pretty well (why are they all powder?). Really any fighting styles that are 80+ and aren’t cannon fist work.

With that being said, the MC’s (head)canon arsenal as a savant with both synergies and uniqueness in mind would be a sand/iron leg/eagle patrimony. That way, basically everything synergizes with each other and it would also make for a cool concept. Also the interactions would be peak.

Geno arcturus as MC :fire:

i’m pretty sure they went there for that meditation quest

oh yeah right they did with the cave, dunno if they had the time to meet Karina ( or whatever the sailor mentor’s name is ) tho

how long did the meditation thing lasts again, if its like, a week or more i can see it happening honestly

it took a week from windrow to olympus, so maybe one or two days at shell island? i don’t think that would be enough time to do caria’s quest tho since multiple sharks would have to be killed

Full on with this :fist: maybe instead of a spear he’d have a sword

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the removal of minds still lowkey among the worst lore changes in au history

yeah its honestly the most unique thing about AU magic system ngl, along with mutation… which was also scrapped

Aren’t mutations still technically a thing in-lore?

Vetex’s new Lore and Magic system changes are just making the AU some generic ass “Ancient/Classic Greek” inspired (it’s not even close to inspired, recent changes just make any Classical Greek features feel forced) fantasy “world”.

The War Seas and AO’s worldbuilding as a whole is just ass, nothing truthfully makes sense, old information formerly commonly accepted is being wiped which just makes an actually cool story like AA’s plothole ridden, and rn the AU’s lore is in shambles imo.

Partially? Vetex said he would re-add Mutations if he was to write an AA book, but he forgets to realize Mutations and Minds are kinda reliant on each other, and if one is removed, the other makes no sense.

kinda i think? but rather than your base magic evolving ( or, mutating ig ) into one you pretty much just kinda learn them from someone or by yourself now iirc

Not to forget the Lore Doc still uses these 2 terms, despite them not being canon, so not even that one confirmed canon source is actually fully canon?

And then there’s issues with the AG’s curses (they apparently exist, but they have never been said to have more than 1)

And now Durza as a character makes no sense, since he doesn’t even need to steal minds / wait for mutations, since he literally by the point of AA 100% has the spirit energy to use Magic Circles.

(glory to the AA restorationists…)

I sure do love unnecessary changes to the lore!

i dont think i understand what you mean by this?

kinda kinda not ig? maybe stealing it from others immediately grant him the proficiency to use it too, while if he tried to learn it by himself it would take much longer ( if not outright impossible due to magic and curse naturally clash with each others )

Minds aren’t canon anymore

There is still a limit to learning magic though