[Captain's log]

I got the idea from @StarForDays :[Story] Waves of Torture

Day 34
We have been stranded out in this sea for 34 days now. The ship has suffered heavy damage and the crew is afraid to go on deck. We play cards and fish bones occasionally. Thankfully we have enough food to last us 2 more months.

Damn you Cursebeard! Can’t believe a fleet of his ships appeared while we were sailing the 5th sea. Escaping into the dark sea was are only option. The transportation of goods is getting harder and harder nowadays.

Current surviving members: 12 (Me, Catheryn, Icarus, the cabin boy, Kyle, Scott, Jonah, ____, Fable, Henry, Issac, and Tom)

Day 37
Still no land in sight, someone said he saw land but the land was moving or something like that. Moving land Bahhh. We were filling up water barrels with rain water when a sea serpent raised out of the water and grabbed Icarus, we all ran into the hold after that.

Current surviving members: 11 (Me, Catheryn, the cabin boy, Kyle, Scott, Jonah, ____, Fable, Henry, Issac, and Tom)

Day 45
The cabin boy went up to the crow’s nest to see if he could spot land since it was an unusual day with sunshine. The dark sea isn’t that dark, except of course the water that seems to have no bottom. The next thing we knew he was yelling at us to get below deck. I wasn’t about to assume he was crying wolf so I ran down yelling at everyone to follow. Kyle was checking the rigging on the opposite side of the ship when it happened. Kyle nearly made it into the hold with the rest of us when a giant wave washed over the entire boat taking Kyle with it. We weren’t able to get back out to reach the cabin boy, Scott attempted to reach the cabin boy before another wave crashed over the ship. Scott survived the ordeal by getting caught in the rigging, his arm is now disfigured because of it. I guess even on the sunniest days the dark sea will try to kill us.

Current Surviving members: 10 (Me, Catheryn, the cabin boy, Scott, Jonah, ____, Fable, Henry, Issac, and Tom)

Day 46
The waves finally let up and we were able to get the cabin boy and Scott. Scott said he saw white piercing eyes in the sea that night. We saw sharks tailing our ship today as well as a large black form swimming alongside our ship.
As I’m writing this I hear sounds thudding against the ship and on top, The crew members are huddled together worried the sea serpent is back for more.

Current Surviving members: 10 (Me, Catheryn, the cabin boy, Scott, Jonah, ____, Fable, Henry, Issac, and Tom)

Day 47
We went on deck to see what was happening and the shp was covered in dead sharks, a wave must have thrown them up onto the ship and they had been thrashing around. As we went to cut open the sharks to see if there was anything inside and then to maybe cook a few a giant crab came scuttling out of a shark. Issac tried to cast a blast of fire magic but to no avail. The crab instead of falling into the water turned around and fired the exact same fire spell back at Issac before falling into the water.

Issac was burned alive and we tossed him into the ocean.

Current Surviving Members: 9 (Me, Catheryn, the cabin boy, Scott, Jonah, ____, Fable, Henry, and Tom)

Day 56
It had been 9 days since the last death and things were looking up the cabin boy was singing songs and making us feel jolly, The sharks had lasted for a good week before they started to go bad. We tossed the rest overboard.
We spotted our first island today. Someone yelled “Land ho”. Catheryn the online women in our crew and also the chef jumped for joy. Turns out that island was swarming with snakes. We sent Tom, Fable, and Henry, three of my best crew members, to explore the island. Only Henry came back to tell us all that was there was snakes before succumbing to a snake bite he received.

Current Surviving Members: 6 (Me, Catheryn, the cabin boy, Scott, Jonah, and ____)

Day 60
Another ship was seen on the horizon. We sailed straight towards it to make contact with other humans and even signaled we weren’t enemies, It wouldn’t stop moving though so we continued to follow until it seemed to stop in place, get torn in two and dissipate into the air. ____ said that it was a ghost ship replaying its last seen. Jonah sat there looked at everyone and said as I quote, “So it was torn in two by something in its last moments?” All six of us sat in silence while rain pattered down.

Current Surviving Members: 6 (Me, Catheryn, the cabin boy, Scott, Jonah, and ____)

Day 63
We were attacked today, are ship suffered heavy damage and we managed to patch the cracks but we have no idea if we could survive another attack. I was steering the ship the cabin boy was in the crow’s net with ____, Catheryn was sharpening weapons and Scott and Jonah were tending to Scott’s arm. That was when it hit, A large creature bashed into the side of the ship knocking Jonah and Scott over. Catheryn began running to Jonah and Scott to help when a tentacle slapped onto the boat crushing Jonah and Scott’s legs. Catheryn began hacking away at the tentacle while ____ casted spells from above. I jumped down and went to get a cannon when I heard the splintering of wood behind me. Where I had just been steering the ship was smashed and destroyed. The face of an ugly squid was clambering up. I turned the cannon and with the help of magic distractions from ____ I blew up its beak. The squid retreated into the water but not after splitting the main mast and dragging Scott into the depths.
The main mast went crashing into the water with the Cabin boy screaming. ____ tried to save him but failed and could only save himself with his magic, even then a wood splinter fell and knocked him unconscious. Catheryn jumped into the water to go get him and they were both dragged down by tentacles.
With the ship in such bad condition I’m sailing towards a speck of land in the distance with what’s left of my boat. ____ is alive but unconscious, hopefully he wakes up soon. I probably couldn’t survive without his magic. I’ll leave this journal with the boat.

Surviving Members 2 (Me, ____)

Signing off of the Saint Oasis
-Captain Morden


That was so good

this is actually so good.

Fun times.

@The_Legend_7.0 @Cosmos
Thank you

It’s true though

you’ve got so many characters introduced that could be fleshed out into a crazy prequel story to the prequel of a sequel.

and the one’s introduced are pretty cool, putting the pieces together was enjoyable too.

Everyone Died! Seriously don’t get lost in the Dark sea.

yeah definitely

This is amazing. You really get the feeling of desperation as everyone begins to die

Wait what if you made a charcter in your story that was a survivior on the ship that escaped and got magical powers and also insanity

Maybe Catheryn or the cabin boy survived the squid monster?

Oooh this one is really good and exciting. It’s short and sweet but tells a nice story of unfortunate events. Although I would like to ask, how much food and supplies did this crew have with them?

They were transporting cargo to the 1st sea when they were attacked. There was enough food to last a couple of months. As people started dying the food supplies became more abundant since there were less mouths to feed.