Cargo perfection

This discussion is about maximizing the cargo for a ship, be it a row boat or a ketch, brig or sail boat.

Plenty of things to consider, like removing cannons for more cargo, or if you need to keep something that might be in the way for more speed but less cargo.

If you have tips or tricks for cargo maximizing, or better ways to place cargo down, then please comment.

For the helm of the brig this is nearly perfect, if I removed the harpoon gun I could fit one more.


Cargomaxxing done right


It’s… beautiful…

If I do this, I could start my journey to the epicenter once more.


Is there techniques to have perfect alignment on placing cargo?

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You can place cargo on stairs btw, at least you can with a carnival, haven’t tested it with the brig.

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i have a burning question: Ketch or brig for space?

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ketch for sure

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Ketch has more deck space, brig has too many amenities. It’s like how a modern pickup truck isn’t very good at hauling things because it has a bigger cab than an older one.

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alright thanks for settling the dispute between my friend and i

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Well, which is faster? Because if brig is faster, but ketch has more space, then we might have a dilemma. How could someone estimate which could give more profit other than time trials? Testing galore.

Well, I did figure out that ideal ketch placement does involve 8 rows of cargo along the back portion, but then I was randomly sunk by someone who had not shown any aggression prior

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You can put cargo on the railings. If you high jump you can also put cargo “on” the wooden poles that prop up the sails. If you have enough lag you can put floating cargo nearby anything on the ship (attachments, lanterns, the things above the ship). I did both of these on a ketch before the dark sea update, so I don’t know if any of this still holds up.

Be careful though, since sometimes the cargo won’t be welded to the ship and it won’t move when you move the ship.

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When doing that the cargo can sometimes de-spawn, I don’t recommend doing that.

I think I remember that happening a few times (maybe like 3 times for a few cargo crates that were floating really far away) when I was messing around after a long cargo session. But if you are careful (turn ship after you place cargo to see if it moves with the boat), and have a lot of galleons, then you could potentially get a lot of extra cargo from placing them on random spots.

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Yeah, unless you’re trying to be absolutely perfect, I think it’s impossible to get 9 cargo on the back row of a ketch.

I think with enough patience and perfection, the 4th back row could have 9 cargo.


brig is obviously faster with speeds up to 130

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The 5th back row of the ketch can fit 9 cargo without the need of perfection

So here is the study of the helm of the ketch

Row 1 through 3 can hold 8
Row 4 can maybe hold 9 but only if you’re a pro, but can easily hold 8
Row 5 can hold 9
Row 6 and 7 are the mast of the helm and can hold 8
Row 8 is past the mast and can hold only 9
Row 9 can hold 10

Is someone can continue this study, that would be much appreciated.