If you dont like pvp thats ok but pretending like you know what competitive pvp looks like at the top level and saying the pvp is bad in this game and takes no skill irks me.
Ppl literally practice pvping for hundreds of hours and casuals think they should beat them because they think if they just spam aoe nukes they should win. Do you not have no class, taste, or appreciation for art? Creativity Skill, or dedication.
This games pvp is unique no other like it and ppl constantly shit on it instead of apprecisting the hard work and dedication it takes to make a game of this quality by urself.
None of you could come anywhere close to making a game as good, dynamic, or creative as this.
If your not good at somthing it doesnt mean to shit on it learn to appreciate greatness…
Pvp in your opinion: 1 true stat build, 1 true build, all other stats are metas or useless and are made for skill less gameplay.
Pvp in my opinion: No true stat builds, no true builds, all builds are useable as long as you practice them and all of them require abnormous amount of skill and experience to use while fightning against current 1 true meta.
I understand the way your going with this, being a casual myself, and yes people sometimes think PvP takes no skill, some people put alot of effort into what they do, and I’m fine with PvP as long as it’s not forcing me into it. Someone fights me (With consent) and I get beaten. Oh well that player is just better then me and I can’t do much about it. PvP does take skill and practice.
I address that question to you and church of people who thinks that atk speed is the only true way of fightning.
True nukes are possible from 150-200+ AOE. If you have below 100 aoe, then its not a nuke build, it is just heavy build which cannot be called “3 buttons build” and it is pretty much skillful build, cuz not everyone can use “not stat-fanatic build” and still win such fanatics like you.
bro there is so many flaws with this literally none of the players who actually take the time to practice pvp in this game use any of this ur so off… geezus T_T
speed beats aoe builds when it comes to actually talented players playing against each other… u can use any class warrior mage zerker hybrids… as long as ur using spd, and aim its going to be harder but more rewarding.
PVP was fun before Dark Sea and Modifiers. Way too much time spent on just getting extra stats. Potions were manageable but some of these builds are just insane, might join back in Nimbus who knows
This. Before Dark Sea it was manageable to have just finished the story, farm some bosses a little and then be able to pvp reliably. Now, you have to beat the story, level up or max out jewelcrafting or trade a ton to get the gems you need, go into dark sea and farm for equips, modifiers, exotic enchants and then do treasure charts for THOSE modifiers before you can actually pvp with the majority of the skilled playerbase. The stat bloating is insane between pre and post dark sea.
its true minmaxing is a whole nother thing on its own… luckily I’m pretty experienced and ik how to completely max out a build in a day. hit me up if u want help or advice. same thing to u @tetragon_fortress
brother it has been months since ds update dropped and the only sunken warrior piece i have is the helmet i am fresh out of leg scales and fresh out of patience for the grind
I do free luck 5 parties every week add me on Discord its “fridgeuchiha”, also i got like 3 sunken sets fairly easy but i realize most ppl have the iq of 2 and dont understand how to grind efficiently. Dumb people complicate things and smart people know how to simplify.
No, they are easier to use, thats why people use them.
People use them, because it is meta.
With this meta you don’t need to:
Manage your own endlags.
Worry about moving freely due to endlags.
Less parrying\blocking, cuz less punishes.
Less predictability, since your hits almost instantly hit target.
Aoe builds still need to predict enemy’s actions, cuz if your aoe is below 100 your attacks won’t be hitting enemy instantly, unless you use placed explosions which deal no damage)
every stat in a sense is a “crutch”
you don’t have to block parry or dodge as much with defense
you don’t have to land as many hits with power
you don’t have to be as skilled with zoning with agility
you don’t have to fucking aim with atk size
you don’t have to worry about endlag with atk speed
and uh… intensity just exists i guess
that’s literally what stats are for: to make u stronger