Casuals piss me off sometimes

Imma ask ur friend too see wt he thinks, he’ll prolly agree with me

His name “I use alts, because files gamepass costs money” and im waitting for him to say which one.

Bre wts his ign hurry up

He is reading these topics rn.

Wts crazy is imma win this fight and it doesn’t prove shit cuz my point is this kid doesnt even have a atk spd build and claims its easier than aoe build

Your friend need to hurry up, this man’s got a busy life :smiling_imp:

PvP in this game does take skill and practice but god is it a long and tedious process to learn.

No other game in recent times that I’ve played has had a combat system this annoying to get into.
That’s one of the biggest reasons I say it sucks.

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do not do my boy like that

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Breaded butter over bere instigating like a mf


Join him now.

Dam bre so yall finna drop the ign or nah? Just make the atk spd build bro T_T u cant be walking around ignorant thinking aoe takes more skill than atk spd bro its absolute blasphemy

Open your eyes…

Ur friend dont even think attack spd is easier than aoe T_T

He doesn’t need to.

You didn’t even join on earth mage.
Warlock with AOE, seriosuly? Why not warrior with vindicator then?

what you make this a new topic for

bre ur friend nt half bad and my point still stands atk spd is harder but more rewarding

According to his words, me with my unfinished build still doing more in fights with him than you did.

So I can see that you are not even experienced in fightning using aoe builds. You landed only 1 selino and 1 shot…

This whole conversation is stupid, every stat has an up and down ATK speed just makes aiming and predicting easier while being more powerful on flat grounds like Elysium (current meta) while AoE tramples anyone who is on small islands like Dark Pine.

The casuals can say the same thing about you taking pvp too seriously you know.


i got carried away forsure lowkey lost track of wt i was even arguing about, i havent slept and have to work in a bit, im most likely a bit loopey.