Change to mode spell and technique

Change to mode spell and technique
effort 4.583333333333333 12 quality 4.416666666666667 12 reasonability 3.833333333333333 12

I’ve got a feeling with the “summoning elemental” thing, they’ll sort of come back, but knowing Vetex, we’ll probably have anything be able to summon anything. No specific creature for specific magics. Either way has good and bad things about it.

Feels kinda of useless ngl, Aura doesn’t even last very long nor is very empowering.

When I think of full on re customizing our character I imagine us literally Awakening.
Aura is a simple boost that doesn’t last very long and doesn’t give the feel that I’d think of.

Honestly I just don’t think something like this would fit into arcane odyssey since there’s no real “Ultimate” bg esc moves.

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Yeah, might work better if it was sort of a thing that went along as the tiers did.
First you get Aura, then you get Mode for lost spells, and finally “Gambit” or something for Ancient spells.

I agree for the most part. Whatever boost you get from aura is not powerful enough to justify how little it lasts

I wish it was a passive drain of energy on a toggle base but i dont care too much about aura in order to suggest ballance related stuff to it

This is just something i think that could add more spice to it

light mages on their way to become super sayian:

mb for the low rating though, Aura itself I find useless at times I just wish it would last longer…

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I don’t think it needs to last longer, I think the buff affinities need to be more substantial

basically nothing has a high damage affinity, speed affinity is always the same, destruction is useless, so ists basically either resstanc aura, or speed aura if you are using something with low resistance affinity

let us use power aura with real, actual buffs!

Destruction Aura is fire.

So do i, bro… So do i

My take is “if it looked cooler, more people would use it and see how underwhelming it is”, thus change

Fr fr. Much rather the type of magic didn’t matter for aura, this ends up being more gimmick than unique

yeah, why should we be forced into a specific playstyle depending on aura? just make everything’s affinitys 1, and for damage specifically 0.9


Good suggestion, but I do agree that it feels like it should be for a different spell

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its dragon balls all over again

As the biggest hater of dragon ball there is, i gotta give 'em credit where it’s due

But i was more thinking of TBATE

That’s your suggestion except it’s not adding a new spell.

Hover serves a different purpose, it keeps you at the same level in the air.
The wing idea grants you more overall mobility without the constant energy drain from Hover.

This would be cool for the transformation lost spell if thats still coming

lmfaooo this is the most bullshit justification I’ve ever heard, could you back it up with reasoning?

Vetex coding amirite :smirk:


it’d be cool if there were slight variations for different magic types which is pretty likely

no need for snide remarks, what zawaito said just doesnt make sense