Character Title Thread

Eric Fallenfire
Fire Conjurer
Excellent Blacksmith
Fucking terrible cook
Potion ??

Mike Adams
“Alkaline Marauder” (Acid pirate)

“Tarnished Soverign” (Captain of the Brandedking)

“The Acrid Hearted” (Acid hearted)

Eric Fallenfire
“The Burning Blade” (Fire conjurer)

“Ignition Forger” (Fire conjurer blacksmith)

“Prerogative King” (Freedom King)

descendant of the family line Maple, no first name so they took maple as their name.

Wind conjurer
they came from another world, the reason why their hair is completely red. the order could sense their magical lineage and led maple into their clutches by abusing their naiveness of the arcane universe. the order’s experiments of over-imbuing them with magic energy caused a large part of their hair to turn white, but it also gave maple extraordinary abilities with magic. after escaping the order’s confines with morden and the late tucker, they set out on a great odyssey.

“The Unknown Foreigner” (From “another world”)

“Divergent Pilgrimage Anomaly” (Unfamiliar person existing in the war seas)

“Spiritual Soul” (Otherworlder)

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Jimmy Bean, a Fire-Explosion mage
A little goofy guy who acts like a child, leads a clan, owns a big ship, and wants to go everywhere and do everything he can
Backstory is that he screws around too much and gets kicked off nearly every major organization he’s tried to join, so he made his own
He’s also an arsonist

why does he have fame instead of bounty then?

Tobin Silverthorn

:lightning_magic_var1: :acid_magic_var1: :iron_magic_var1:-leg savant

goes wherever the wind takes him, only loosely tied to civilization due to his subpar cooking ability

at least, that is what he tries to tell himself
in reality, he hopes the wind will help him find his long lost sister (moonlight magma paladin)

canonically survived an expedition in the dark sea lasting [to be determined]

also got in MAJOR trouble with the grand navy, earning him a fat bounty

Jimmy Bean
“Ignition Annihilator” (Fire + Explosion Arsonist)

“Demented Champion” (A crazy arsonist hero)

“Persistant Exiled Entreprenuer” (Constant clan kicked adventurer)

Tobin Silverthorn
“Peril Venturer” (Dared and risk hinself adventuring to the dark sea)

“Brawler Of the Corrosive Storm” (Iron leg + Lightning + Acid)

“Crucial Agitator” (One of Navy’s Major typical problematic criminal)

Explosion should be frist but overall your character is in line with my opinion

Ryan Fallenfire
“Losted fire” (Thermo fist warlord)

“Actually he will be Flame Conjurer. But he became warlord because he enjoyed killing Argos(…)”

“He is a King gold’s immediate subordinate.(King gold is undiscovered.)”

“He sailing the bronze sea to help others.”

“He was kill the Greatest villan,he gain a lot of Fame.”

“He doesn’t want to join Grand navy,but he has anicable relationships.(but he has bad relationships to Ravenna because Argos(mirage) is his rival.)”

“He wants get healthy because he being the corrupt.”

lil silly fire conjurer here

give em a title, im too lazy to explain their backstory
btw the character name is January Light, srry about that

Hoo boy, I LOVE making up lore for my characters and let it affect my playstyle and playthrough.
The first thing I think about when making a character is “How will they be and what will they do?”, then base their kit, build and appearance based on that. This is the game that has hooked me the most since you get to do your own character and customize it so much, thus making me go on a little bit more than… 10 playthroughs… Though I’ll omit some of them since they don’t have much lore behind them.
(Also, we’re ignoring a good bit of the OG lore with who we actually were and how we meet Morden, since it implies that we’re NOT from the bronze sea, or at least not recently. Thus, if you want it to make it fit into the start of the game’s lore, make some crazy mental gymnastics)
So uh, here’s some of my favorite characters, so bear with me.

Annette “The Reckoning Rogue” Ankh

She was born in Ravenna’s poorest settlement, Tiberia.
She, along with other poor people, would usually steal for a living, from food, galleons and even breaking in houses to experience a fraction of the luxury the Rubica citizens were able to afford. She would gather around with a few adults and teenagers to plan schemes and rob people, usually taking advantage of her speed and stealth.

One day, they planned their biggest scheme yet, the adults would cause a diversion near the cargo port, while the younger thieves would swim nearby and climb onto the boat, stealing whatever they could from the ship’s cargo hold.

When the moment came and a ketch stationed itself near, the adults disguised as bandits and threatened the shipwright as the younglings climbed inside the ship, Annette included, who was 13 at the time. Everything was going according to plan, until a barrage of sand fell upon the adult bandits, decimating them within seconds.

Scared, the young thieves quickly made it out of the boat, though Annette was left last, and she couldn’t make it to the cargo hold’s trapdoor by herself. She hid among the darkness and hoped to not be found out. She maneuvered around the cargo hold to not be found as they moved it around, eventually being left alone as the last crewmate took the last box out.

With no escape, she could only hope for the best as she got cold and shivered inside the cargo hold. As the ship swayed left and right, she heard a bell ringing from a nearby ship, she saw a red flag with a sword on it and took cover. What she expected would happen, happened. Cannons fired, magic flew around, screams were heard, and a cannonball went directly through the ship’s cargo hold, making many wood splinters fly out inside and out the boat, she covered as best as she could, to no avail, one splinter hitting her across the eye.

She quickly jumped off the boat and swam as much as she could, among the chaos, hearing the boat shatter and sink as an explosive cannonball hit it. She saw no survivors come off of it.
She eventually came ashore an isle, an ominous man saw her passed out on the shore and picked her up, took her into a cave and treated her eye.

He introduced himself as the captain that just destroyed the ship she was in, he explained he saw her jump off into the sea and followed her, thinking she may be a surviving crewmate. He explained it was just business and needed the man on the boat dead, and he wouldn’t hurt her.

She at first does not trust this man, keeping her distance, but she clearly needed to eat and the man kept her well fed every time she would dare get near him. She eventually asked him about his profession, and they grew to form a bond, she could relate to him, doing extreme jobs for a living. He said he would hide in the isle as long as he and his crew got his boat fixed, since this isle was barely visited and it served as a good hiding spot for assassins and pirates.

Unbeknownst to them, the news had been already mentioned in the Agora, making the Grand Navy arrive to the isle. The assassin told her to stay in the cave, as a fight was about to break out. She wanted to help, but obviously couldn’t, thus the assassin captain told one of his men to look after her, as everyone else fared out to battle. Without the high ground, and having been outnumbered, the assassin’s crew met their fate at the hands of death, and the assassin was taken to be arrested and executed.

With a makeshift raft and hard work, the only crewmate left and Annette made it out the isle and the crewmate took her to a large tropical and mountainous island, making their way then to a place called the “Whispering Caverns”. Where she would stay, awaken her magic, and train until her 24th birthday, when she decides to go out and make a continue the legacy of the only man she looked up to and had everything to thank, yet couldn’t.

Which leads to her beginning in sailing and eventually arriving at a place called “Redwake”, continuing her journey to become stronger and meet the right people. The Arcane Odyssey storyline is just a side quest for her, as she hopes to become strong enough to overthrow the Grand Navy itself.

She currently goes through the path of an assassin conjurer, wielding poison magic and a stolen sabre from the Grand Navy’s commodore of Silver Hold during a raid along with a man named Edward Kenton.

Zoey “The Naive Crystal Compassionista” Zephyr


Coming from Cirrus Island, an Island in the sky, home to the Cirrus Village.
Zoey Zephyr never really had anything to worry about, her life was simple, easy-going, and she liked it. She was always quite a calm girl, unable to take most things seriously and smile in the face of adversity.

She awakened her magic at an early age, but she was never much for fighting. Having a tourmaline-themed crystal magic, she actually just decided to get into the world of fashion, as she made jewelry and helped citizens design their own outfits.

In her 18th birthday, she decided she wanted a change, as Cirrus Village had become, in her words, “too trendy” (despite being the only fashion designer up there). Thus, she became curious of the people who had “salt water running through their veins”, according to her mother who despised the “sea dwellers”, although Zoey thought it was meant literally, and wanted to see it for herself (she is not very bright).

Her way of going down was not through climbing down the stepstones, but rather jumping down encased in a crystal she made around herself, and ricocheted off the Southern Jaws, eventually landing right in Redwake, this meaning she went right through the floorboards and made a hole into the rocks below. And as she heard about the problems they were having, she decided to help as is her nature.

She heavily despises violence and confrontation, though which she’ll hesitantly attack back for self-defense. Which is bad for Zoey, as 90% of her journey is her trying to defend herself from literally everything in the bronze sea. But at least she does it with :sparkles: style :sparkles:, since she thinks her pink crystals look really nice as they explode in her enemies faces.

She tried befriending Iris the first time they met, and wouldn’t stop nagging her up until they had to part ways for Iris to go to Silverhold and Zoey had to go to Sailor’s Lodge. Headcanonically, she let Iris have the kill on King Calvus, as Zoey looked away and tried not to faint at the sight, which solidified their friendship. Zoey thinks Morden is rather cute, in the sense that she wants to dress him fully pink instead of his black-colored attire, he’s not happy about this at all. She’s a bit scared of Neviro’s serious demeanor and bummed about it, though she hopes he comes back safely and they meet again after he went to Ravenna alone.

She did try to join the Grand Navy at one point in an attempt to help more people in need, but a few minutes later a criminal entered and started blasting out the marines and vice captains, she spent a good amount of time looking at the criminal considering whether it would be mean to attack them or not. The criminal outright ignored her as she followed him around, this same criminal would eventually help against General Argos, for he really wanted Argos’ gear. She would later resign and leave on her own, as she noticed she didn’t have the heart to arrest people.

She is really passionate about her art and designs, sometimes drawing the adventures and people she meets with as they travel in their shared ketch (mainly funded by her). She currently travels with the criminal she was supposed to capture, a hero who worries for her naivety and a prideful, powerful warlock, both whom she met at Sailor’s Lodge when fishing. She tends to leave the fighting to them as she morally supports them from the backlines (though in cases of absolute need, she’s proficient in the spear and guns, perfect way to keep enemies at a good range away from her) , something that happens on a regular basis, as danger tends to find her one way or another.

Evelynn “The Ruthless Voyager” Elytra

Growing up in Redwake, a rather boring and quiet little artificial island, Evelynn has grown to be an absolute showoff. There’s not much behind her motivations, she really just wants to become the most powerful, influential pirate. She dreams of a monstrous ship filled to the brim with a crew, cannons and loot. Not to say she’s a villain, but she’s not exactly a good person. She’ll do anything to scale up the ranks and overpower her opponents, but she’s not merciless, as she will let anyone live that isn’t a threat to her or gets in the way or her ambitions.

Has taken quite a liking to Ruby Roger, and considers joining forces with him eventually if given the chance. Maybe she’s just as delusional as him, but she plans to have the strength to back her dreams up.

Although seen as crazy and volatile, she does care a lot about her crewmates and ship, as they’re the only thing she’s willing to not give up to win a fight.

Madelyn “The Resilient Shieldmaiden” Mighty

Born in Shell Island, even from a young age, Madelyn Mighty cared to protect those near her. Whether that be from a kid being mean to her friend, or bandits attacking her peaceful village. Madelyn always would rather take the hits from other people than let her loved ones be hurt.

She grew accustomed to this, working out not her strength, but her resistance and mind. She never awakened her magic, though it laid dormant inside her. It didn’t manifest through magic circles or spells, instead, the metal magic inside helped her become more durable and much more resilient. Which allowed her to become quite the adept Iron Leg user, combined with her boxing skills, she’s a force to be reckoned with, boasting over how much she can take before giving out. Of course, she has quite the appetite to recharge herself, as she’s been seen eating entire plates of food meant for 5 people on her own.

She trusts her resistance so much that she’s gone as far as taking King Calvus’ strongest attacks directly without flinching. Once she’s moving, you are not stopping her, and you better hope not to be in her way when she’s crashing through enemy forces.

And that’s all of the characters I could think of that would have a backstory, the rest of them just kinda are there or I couldn’t think of a way for them to have a set lore, as of the most actual chronological part of their lore, these silly goons travel together for different reasons, forming a dysfunctional, yet somehow efficient team.

Gabriel Valk, an ash conjurer and pirate hunter

Before i tell you this story, it has different story that original Arcane Odyssey’s story. It has my own story.
“God of King”,King Gold.
He born from Golden kingdom, his dad died when he ages 13.

But no one else help him.(it’s different from calvus’ history.because Order of aesir helped Calvus.)so he trained himself. And he get his weapon.(Golden greatsword)

When he was awaking, he get Conjurer’s ability. He has :light_magic_var1: light magic and :lightning_magic_var2: yellow Lightning magic.
He employed two immediate is Ryan Fallenfire, other is undiscovered.

He(King Gold) has powerful fighting power, so he killed King Calvus. Because Calvus is an evil. But he get big damage then he is on the verge of death.

He hide in dark sea. If you see him, he doesn’t look like King.

“Alex Valk,The Alchemy.”
She borned at frostmill island. She learned alchemy from Enizor. When her age’s 18,she begin sailing bronze sea. When she find Lord Eilus, she killed him only alchemy. She throwing the potions,and killed many Order of Aesir’s members. When she find King calvus,but he was already died.(because King Gold killed him.) Then she was angry, she will killing Golden kingdom members too. So she has magic,but she put them to her alchemy. (She go to dark sea for kill King Gold) If the dark sea is comming,she will made insanity-resistant potion. Bruh I can’t write more story

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Melissa Booth, the Puncher of Sharks and all sea-things Warlock of Whirlpool ( Sailor Fist / Wind Magic )

Annette Ankh
“The Reckoning Rogue” (Sheep_enjoyer’s own made title)

“Ravenna Smuggling Scoundral” (Thieving/smuggling rogue in Ravenna)

“Pestilence Blade” (Poison conjurer)

Zoey Zephyr
“The Naive Crystal Conpassionista” ( Sheep_enjoyer’s own made title)

“Shining Heart Saintess” (A Bright hearted Hero)

“Madam La Amatista” (Pink crystal mage)

Evelyn Elytra
“The Ruthless Voyager” (Sheep_enjoyer’s own made title)

“The Seething Democrisis” (Seen and assumed as a destructive pirate possessing Explosion and thermo fist)

“Seering Marauder” (Explosion + thermo fist pirate)

Madelyn Mighty
“The Resilant Shieldmaiden” (Sheep_enjoyer’s own made title)

“Ferrous War Maiden” (Extremely Durable Warrior)

“The Jericho” (The unbreakable wall)

I love reading all the lore for your chaarcters Annettr Ankh had the best lore, Evelyn Eltra had the best drip look, Zoey Zephyr having the funniest lore, and Madelyn Mighty being the fun one to title. Thanks for the lore.

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