Character Title Thread

Winter Edge

“Vitric of Fracture” (Glass mage)

“Shattering Edge” (Glass magic + Lastname)

  1. “The Arbitrarily” ( a random guy)

  2. “The Calamitous Mask” (Black Mask)

  3. “The Blinding Aurora” (Blindfold light arcmancer)

  4. “Forsaken Apostle” (Apostle chestpiece with worn pants)

  5. “Solvent Crusader” (Black Crusader)

  6. “Honor of the Ruined” (Atlantean warrior)

  7. “Madam Turqoise” (Blue dressed woman)

  8. “The Red Maiden” (Red maid dress)

  9. “The Cerise Noble” (Red noble armor)

  10. “Jugger Neive” (Boxing juggernaut armor)

  11. "Artisan of Strength (Fighting robe)

  12. “Hand of Alitheia” (Vitality)

James Cleaver

“Sameria Captain” (Sameria Naval Captain)

“Nimbus Purveyor” (Merchant from the nimbus seas)

“Leader of the D.G.S.E Company” (Company leader)

“Captain of the Desert Cruiser” (Captained frigate and brig)

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ima do it the second time since i changed my character’s awakening to warrior.

It was the infamous day Oswald Grimoire will never forget, the day that changed his ways, it was a usual day with Oswald meeting his rival Holder to help with his damaged ship along with his other longtime friend Azul Elytra in harvest island, when suddenly he was betrayed by his friend with a brutal surprise attack, the battle was intense that other ships nearby could see purple lightning near harvest island.

He successfully killed his friend though with the cost of his lightning magic diminished, which also resulted in him being more serious than ever, since he was overconfident with his magic.

He still retains his cool and easygoing personality and is respectful though, but now he isn’t more flashy with his attacks and doesn’t pull any punches from those who stand in his way.

the people who fight him, mostly his rival Holder and his brother see his fighting style changed drastically since he changed into a warrior, his rival describes his fighting style as relentless and fast like lightning despite he doesn’t have lightning magic now, instead of switching weapons to mix up.

Oswald now currently still stays as an anonymous hero,
now having a bandage on his head from the Harvest Island incident.

he has a deep interest in dragons and has hopes of finding one, even though he knows about a curse he will get when he meets the wrong one…

Benjamin Brooks, a former Ravenna shipwright. He’s a clingy overdependent loser because all of his friends inevitably sailed away from the kingdom, while he was stuck due to inheriting his father’s business. The worst part is that due to his job, he’s always building ships, watching them go, sailing away into grand adventures beyond, while he knows he can never join them.

Eventually, his final friend leaves, causing his formerly-dormant Moonlight Magic to be discovered at last, born from his sorrows. And soon after, he’s pushed to flee Ravenna himself due to an evil plot against him. He’s thrust into a wartorn world with no experience. There are dangerous people everywhere, and with how desperate and lonely Benjamin is, he might just try seeking camaraderie from a few of them…


I’ve also got Simon Perseus, my literal sharpshooter. Born to an assassin family and used as a scapegoat by his own mother so that she wouldn’t have to answer for her crimes, Simon goes on the run, accepting bounty hunt contracts as a means of making a living and hoping to clear his name.

He casts all of his spells using his feet, because usually his hands are occupied holding his weapons. He also specializes in making advanced shapes with his crystal magic. This results in a very overwhelming and hard-to-predict fighting style, though he is slow-moving and struggles with extremely fast targets.

(lore-wise he has a bayonet attached to his musket, which is how he uses bladed skills despite being guns-only)

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sparrow thrust and piercing gale on a musket would be NASTY, this man scares me

Oh man I forgor abt this thread lol

Thx for ur suggestions but sorry I didnt give context

(From top to bottom)

Mikhail (warrior): disgraced Navy Commodore who now fights against the order

Phrixus (warlord): ruthless sadstic assassin who ran away from the order and is hellbent on revenge

Aurora (mage): blind mage and a previous experiment of the order

Kaira (berserker): reckles fiery girl dragged into this mess. Has a crush on Galahad.

Galahad (knight): a knight who swore to avenge his parents killed by the order.

Vilmar (conjurer): once a brilliant scientist experimented on by the order, went insane and now only cares for vengance

Alycia (warlock): a cute, shy girl who tries to explore the world

Valerie (savant): an ex-order child soldier trying to leave her past behind

Lucius (mage?): a friend of Mikhail and Vilmar and a brilliant scientist

Regis (juggernaut): a big buff black guy who works for the Jurasevra

Rosalyn (paladin): a greedy and ruthless mercenary

Olivia (Oracle): the daughter of a Commodore that mentored Mikhail. She is wise and caring.

Oswald Grimore
“The Ceased Lightning” ( Mage who lost his lightning magic)

“The Deceitfuled” (Betray by his friend)

“Unknown Paragon” (Anonymous Hero)

Benjamin Brooks
“The Spectral Hound” (His old title I’ve given a long while ago)

“Bronze Mallet” (Ravenna Shipwright)

“Jilted Gavel” (Ravenna Shipwright that abandoned his own job position)

Simon Perseus
“Eye of Reach” (Sharpshooter (Sot reference lol))

“The Unblurred” (Crystal Sharpshooter)

You’ve titled him before? I’m sorry I didn’t remember :sob:
Those are cool ideas

in other posts yes