Chat, are warriors going to be fine?

Not to sound like a ‘meta slave’ or anything, but each day we lose reasons to go warrior.

Thermo still getting nerfed and yet I am still using it as Warlock, these changes seems minimal (Maybe expect size but you can make it up with a little more investment in attack size.)

Warrior is kinda the jack-of-all trade class when it comes to non-hybrid builds
It can range
It can melee
It can outclash metal explosions with whirlwind
It’s kinda strong

Warrior needs an awakening rework. Having plain stat increase(and now they’re nerfed again) is really boring


Unneeded nerf imo.

Warrior isn’t really a finished class though. Berserker and Mage are the only classes that are really finished since they have all their primary abilities added. Sure, Berserker needs more fighting styles, but that will come with additional seas over time.

Meanwhile most weapons only have their first two skills, which means Warrior isn’t even close to its full potential yet. We haven’t even seen some of the really strong abilities, some of which warriors have the potential to use but can’t because the ability isn’t created yet.

Eventually these stats were probably going to be nerfed because they are pretty strong, but hopefully this means more warrior abilities are going to be added to compensate.


Shadow imbuement is
+2.5% damage, +10% speed, +5% size
That’s better than warrior is in every way

I think we should consider Warrior awakening to just be on hold until further notice, like Oracle.

They won’t be fine cuz morock solos :facepunch::clap::point_right::zap::point_left:

Ignoring the important fact that warrior gets better tiers (size)

Haha hell yeah nerfs to my least favorite class

No! Nerfs to my favorite class :(

Ah, the duality of man.

further ignoring the fact that conjurers also have magic at their disposal

i dont even know whats the point of warrior. conjurers get both weapons and magic, and weapon skill switching system means warriors have almost no exclusive moves.

on top of the fact that warriors lack a leap-like spell/ability, a nothingburger awakening, and missing most weapon skills

100% true and factchecked

warriors at least need a 4th weapon slot as an awakening so that they have SOME uniqueness
maybe even a skill editor page similar to what mages and zerkers have, like changing the amount of flying slashes that spawn from using the ability

soaring eagle
galaga should add sword step soon tho fr

(PLEASE finish adding 3rd weapon skills soon dawg :sob: i dont wanna rely on weapon customization to get 5 boring skills)

im a rising tide enjoyer, which is a sunken exclusive, which kind of sucks

should’ve nerfed Thermo instead…

are we just gonna pretend that aoe warriors are balanced? this nerf is totally deserved imo

it’s kinda overkill since warrior had such a useless awakening anyway

like why nerf it even more?? The problem they had with warrior was the size, so why not just nerf the weapon size scaling instead of making the awakening even shittier

like wow, 2.5% damage increase and 5% speed, thanks bro