Chat, are warriors going to be fine?

learn to aim. Warrior is about having options and using the right weapons to win. you shouldn’t limit your options simply because you can’t aim.

Thye keep just nerfing fast things, and the stat efficiency sucks now. You need like a gazillion attack speed to be as good as 200 would have been on release

Substat inflation is real for everything except size (why??), you used to be able to almost reach sky islands with the most agility at one point in time, now you get lower with three times that amount.

You say that as if the average player checked patchnotes. The average forumer is very different to the average player

maybe because attack speed was too strong back then?

But then they did it againn

That… doesn’t change anything though???
It still affects them

Not if they don’t notice!
Well, I’d certainly notice the dodge reflex changes.
And I’m definitely feeling the effects of the attack speed debuffs…

bro you are by far the biggest yapper in the forums you’re no average player

Did they ever explain the lore reason why your attacks are just sort of magically larger after awakening?

Not “I’d” as in “I did”. I did feel it, but I knew it was coming.
The thing is I mean “I would”, as in if I didn’t know it was coming.

Isn’t that just Spell Tiers?

I mean for warrior. Same kind of applies to strength users.

Well, they get Aura, which is an effect that basically just makes them stack up better to magic, because the lore (that SHOULD just be retconned) states that magic is just better unless you have Aura.

For Weapon users, Aura can give some funny colors, and maybe effects, so long as you’re not a player. For Strength users, basically nothing.

ok yeah maybe they would notice, but I don’t think they would care nearly as much as the sweat that actually spends countless hours optimizing their build.

That is true, but I kinda get that too. Updates are so spread out now that a meta rebalance just gives me something else to do by remaking a build.

Balance team doesnt fucking know what they are doing, idk about the internals workings of it but one moment they decide they will balance for skilled players and the other they decide to balance for the average player.

Imo any establishment that is immune to questioning should be abolished, every other day people complain about a change and nothing, ever happens. Who even put them in charge anyway? What gives some random people the right to change things? How do they know if what they are doing is right, is good for the game? Evidently given widespread dissatisfaction with them a drastic change needs to occur.

as for actual discussion around this change, i assume this means weapons are getting a 4th weapon slot or some other change, because otherwise this genuinely makes so little sense that i doubt that this would even be an idea that gets past the “wouldnt it be funny” stage

When the Warlock gets two magics, and the Juggernaut gets damage reduction… only then may the Warrior get more surface area to store weapons.

Shadow imbue as a reminder should be
+2.5% Damage
+10% Speed
+5% Size

Weapon Aura:
+5% Damage → +2.5% Damage
+7.5% Speed → +5% Speed
+10% Size → +0% Size

Using Shadow because it’s probably the closest to the balanced buff spread that Weapon Aura had. Maybe the nerf is a bit much, since it’s not like Weapon Aura provides any synergies (like Shadow). At the same time, Warrior’s will eventually be using things like Legendary Weapons. So nerfing them to this point gets people used to it before Legendary Weapons are added.

plus shadow gives you usage of magic
you can either run
kai sabre, elius spear, and atlantean rapier with +2.5% damage and +5% speed
OR you can run
kai sabre, iron spear, and iron rapier with +2.5% damage, +10% speed, and +5% size in addition to usage of magic