Chess Fights

no way i lose 3 times in a row right

3 1/2 min blitz, join if u dare…

i dont actually know if i need to have you friended on or not so uh

I don’t play blitz bro



Cap. What’s ur rating?

auto win ggez.


wait no, ur link is blocked? I can play apparently.

321 after fighting Box and Nuclearfart7 :skull:

I guess you need to add me then, send me a friend request, MassiveLeftBall

PFFFT. I’m rated 1389.

fuck that shit im not fighting you wtf got me fucked up

Wait, I need to make an alt, my acc is my name irl I can’t let u guys know that.

Don’t worry, I think you’ll run me down for time in blitz I don’t play that.

nahhh bro no way im playin u dawg, i would love to but you see the way my bank account is set up and the angle the moon is in right now…

Haha, alr. Yo, @Nuclearman7 wanna play chess with me?

yk if u lose u will lose 0 rating cuz its so low

Actually, I ain’t playing on my main, so scratch that.

It’s not a question of rating its just that I don’t want to be depressed for the rest of the day

Oh, ok. If you want I can teach you how to play chess better. For pay of course. :dollar: :nod:

Nah I’m good. If I realllly wanted to I could boost my rating by 2000 using ancient gypsy arts but just for yalls sake I won’t frfr