Church of iris resistance

I’m talking about AO youtubers, they are all pretty small (except a select few) and if they wish to keep their viewcount high it would benefit them to stay on AO and in this case milk it. I’m not saying variety youtubers are this rare and impossible find, I’m just saying that anybody that does hyper specific content would be folded by youtube for switching.

Eclipse the former YBA youtuber is a good example of this. Compare Eclipse’s YBA views to his other Roblox game views, and then compare his Roblox views to non-Roblox views

Eclipse builded up a group of people that like his content but are YBA fans. So they basicly come to his channel to watch YBA. If he had build a group of people that like every game he plays he would be doing better in views right now because he quit YBA.

something about watching an entire community lose all their wits because of a guild devoted to worshipping a character is getting really entertaining and idk why

i love cocain odyssey

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Don’t really care if they hit number 1 they still weebs
A good advice from old brother: find a real b#### and stop simping believe me i regret not doing this long again


The other leaderboard clans should all team against the Church of Iris tbh

Don’t worry, as soon Infamy resets, Suncry or the other clans will race to be #1 again, Iris was a joke clan tbh

thats gonna happen in 100 years so don’t count on it!

(Joking maybe in 1 year)

if skill is gonna matter again then suncry definitely wont be #1 it’ll probably be shadows of yor or something


I remember when it had 15 infamy