Clan building is so hype

Double beam and building is gone

guys this post not getting closed T_T

it would be funny if builidings didnt save and we got clips of people freaking cuz they’re buildings got destroyed T_T

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mom im in tv

I bet people are just gonna ignore defenses and fill the islands with farms or whatever gives them the most items and galleons

mmmm thats interesting to think about fr u can either go farm heavy or defense heavy depending how big the island is :astonished:

im sorry but the only island where its worth making a fort its harvest island (gotta keep my goat sarloveze safe)

Watch me pull up with my brig at harvest island and send ultimate art 20 max explosion sized hammer blasts

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“serious series: serious sparrow thrust”

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so is no one else hype for clan building ?

we about to have fortnite in ao with people building midfight XD

Not really, large scale group battles have generally been a spammy, performance degrading mess which probably makes it harder to engage with whatever strategic opportunities base building allows.

I mean I am, theres just not a lot to talk about with it

Yeah aoe builds are anoyying. I tried pvping earlier for the first time in the bronze sea instead of elysium in a long time. I forgot how bad the performance in bronze sea is T_T.

Only bright side is for me personally nimbus runs pretty clean even during pvp

mannn fuck you i wanna see harvest island under siege

bre vote on this please btw

nah u have save slots for buildings

nah ik i was just saying it would be funny if it didnt

build like fortnite fr fr
gets destroyed “my farms!!!”

The first things I think of when I hear “clan building” and “competition” are the “nothing built will last forever” and 2b2t.

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