Clan building... why?

Buidling is fun
Getting needed amount of galleons is not

it doesn’t but if it’s consistent and not gonna stop that means infinite buddy

the money in treasury can’t be removed for a reason and when you said “galleons are useless” that’s dumb because you can buy anything with enough galleons

if you could remove money from it then you could just sit there all day every day what’s stopping you

its only infinite if you have infinite time, buddy

CLAN galleons are useless, if it wasnt obvious

your electricity bill, you could also run dark sea all day every day whats stopping you

bro how are you gonna get those 100000 galleons for that platinum mortar

do you not find building fun bro?

Just earn own money


well you get it from the farm that’s what its for

200 galleon can farm gives…60 galleons, right?
So for it to make up for itself, it has to be harvested 4 times. Lets say they grow 10 minutes each.
4x10 = 40 minute.

Sure, in bulk situation is different. Say we buy 5 cane farms. Our profit is…200 galleons…

yeah and you’re not just gonna be waitin around for them to grow you can actually play the game while it is

At this point farms are not really needed

Except for the ingridient pot, that’s one actualy useful.
But like…500 for the hut + 3k for the pot…

i filled cassia and played the game for 7 hours on a weekend, it cost about 50k to build those farms and i ended up having 480k in my clan bank
(cough cough vetex should add more useful building structures)

I feel like everyone are missing this key point.

that’s 7 hours for 1 person, if you have 10 people spread out through servers it takes about 45 minutes to get that much

if it will be 10 people you’ll need 10 times more money in your treasury, but yes, you will be getting 10 times more payback.

not if it’s the same island but

Honestly you are all hating on the OP but he’s completely right… wtf is the purpose of building and getting cool bases and making money if you can’t withdraw it?

Bigger clans generate more renevue if they can defend their bases from other clans, so they can withdraw it and use it for whatever they want (for example, forming personal fleets like Vetex told us he was gonna add)

Decrease the ammount of galleons the bases give, but make it possible to withdraw so the clan leader can use it to fund other things

I don’t think vetex added building because “yay building and Sims 4 simulator is so fun”, but rather as another way for clans to compete and fight each other

The only useful thing for general player is ingridient pot. But it cost 3k…

randomy found this

i was thinking of using this as a alternative to running cargo runs or doing anything at all to buy the overpriced exotic enchants LOL

Clans are starting to feel like featurecreeps when the only thing they do is promote PvP
They have:

  • Treasury (formerly Bank)
  • Infamy&Infamy Leaderboards
  • Clan Levels (based on Infamy)
  • Clan Taxes
  • Island Claiming&Building
  • The whole system for it