This feature has come into my head solely to promote the interaction between clans, it’s not entirely necessary, but I think at very least the Alliances would be nice.
Clan Alliances
Very Simple, when two Clan leaders are in the same server, one of the leaders can propose an alliance to the other. Clan members can view their allied clans from the Clan tab in their menu. Allied clans cannot delete one another’s claims on islands, nor drain or gain infamy from one another through actions like bounty hunting.
Clan Rivalries
Clan rivalries function similarly, but instead of promoting peace, love, positivity, it promotes war, hate, and negativity. Again, two clan leaders would need to be on the server, and both would need to agree to the offer. There should probably be a maximum number of rivals you can assign, as I would tentatively suggest that Rivaled Clans give some sort of Infamy boost when combatting one another (but obviously, infamy suggestions are banned so I’m not gonna touch that).
Other than that, Clans who are rivaled have an increased rate of over-claiming one another’s islands. You can only rival a clan of equal level to your own, and if you raise yourself up a rank, the rival clan is considered ‘eclipsed’ and deleted immediately from the rivals list.
Not sure this is necessary so ignore this if you don’t find it appealing, it’s not part of the core idea anyway.
Clans have little options that can be toggled for allies, such as:
- Allow the building of camps by allies on claimed islands
- (Future) Allowing building on claimed islands by allies?
- Enable Ally Defense (Your clan members count as defenders when preventing an allies island claim from being deleted. If this is added there should be a way in-server to tell what clans are allied.)
- Prevent Bounty Hunting (Prevents clan members from hunting allied members.)